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Lesson 4: First-Order Linear Equations

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Lesson 4 -- First-Order Linear Equations

Prof. Douglas B. Meade

Industrial Mathematics Institute

Department of Mathematics

University of South Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208



Copyright  2001  by Douglas B. Meade

All rights reserved



Outline of Lesson 4

4.A Structure of Solutiosn to Linear ODEs

4.B Integrating Factor for a First-Order Linear ODE



> restart;

> with( DEtools ):

> with( plots ):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined


4.A Structure of Solutions to Linear ODEs

The general first-order linear ODE is

> lin_ode := diff( x(t), t ) + p(t) * x(t) = f(t);

lin_ode := (diff(x(t), t))+p(t)*x(t) = f(t)


The dependent function x(t) and its first derivative, dx/dt , appear linearly, that is, appear as a linear combination with variable coefficients.  Note that, in general, this is not a separable ODE, as Maple shows via

> odeadvisor( lin_ode, [separable] );



If p(t) and f(t) are both constants, then the ODE is separable, in which case the solution can be found as in Lesson 3.

The constant-coefficient linear equation

> lin_ode_const := subs( p(t)=a, f(t)=b, lin_ode );

lin_ode_const := (diff(x(t), t))+a*x(t) = b


is verified separable by Maple via

> odeadvisor( lin_ode_const, [separable] );



Maple's solution process can be seen with

> infolevel[dsolve] := 3:

> lin_ode_const_soln := dsolve( lin_ode_const, x(t) );

> infolevel[dsolve] := 0:

`Methods for first order ODEs:`
`--- Trying classification methods ---`

`trying a quadrature`

`trying 1st order linear`

`<- 1st order linear successful`

lin_ode_const_soln := x(t) = b/a+exp(-a*t)*_C1


The structure of this solution is important. The term involving the constant of integration, that is, the term

> soln_h := x(t) = coeff(rhs(lin_ode_const_soln),_C1);

soln_h := x(t) = exp(-a*t)


is a solution of the homogenous ODE (i.e., b = 0 ).  This is verified via

> odetest( soln_h, subs( b=0, lin_ode_const ) );



The constant term, namely,

> soln_p := x(t) = subs( _C1=0, rhs(lin_ode_const_soln) );

soln_p := x(t) = b/a


is a solution to the non-homogeneous ODE, as is seen via

> odetest( soln_p, lin_ode_const );



Any solution that satisfies the full ODE is called a particular solution. It is a general property of linear equations that the general solution can be written as the sum of the general solution to the homogeneous equation and any (particular)  solution to the non-homogeneous equation. This structure will appear again when linear equations of higher-order, and linear systems of first-order ODEs are studied.


4.B Integrating Factor for a First-Order Linear ODE

Knowledge of the structure of solutions to linear ODEs is important, but does not provide too much information about finding solutions to the general first-order linear ODE

dx/dt+p(t)*x(t) = f(t)

A procedure for solving the first-order linear ODE consists of finding an integrating factor, mu(t) , for the ODE. An integrating factor is a function mu(t) that, upon multiplication against the left-hand side of the equation, renders the product an exact derivative.  Thus, the integrating factor mu(t) is characterized by the property that

(`x'`(t)+p(t)*x(t))*mu(t) = d/dt ``(mu(t)*x(t))

In other words, mu(t) is a factor that allows the left-hand side of the ODE to be written as the derivative of the product mu(t)*x(t) .

The general formula for the integrating factor for the first-order linear ODE is

mu(t) = exp(int(p(t), t)) .

Multiplication of the ODE by this factor leads to an equation of the form

diff(X(t), t) = F(t)

where X(t) = mu(t)*x(t) and F(t) = mu(t)*f(t) . The explicit general solution of this equation can be found by direct integration to be

X(t) = Int(diff(X(t), t), t) = Int(F(t), t)+C .


x(t)*mu(t) = int(f(t)*mu(t), t)+C

and the solution to the original ODE is found using

x(t) = X(t)/mu(t) = (int(f(t)*mu(t), t)+C)/mu(t) = exp(-int(p, t))*int(f(t)*exp(int(p, t)), t)+C*exp(-int(p, t))

Instead of focusing on the general formula, implement the solution process for each specific problem.

For example, consider the specific first-order linear ODE

> lin_ode1 := diff( x(t), t ) + x(t)/(t+1) = ln(t)/(t+1);

lin_ode1 := (diff(x(t), t))+x(t)/(t+1) = ln(t)/(t+1)


In this problem, p(t) = 1/(t+1) and f(t) = ln(t)/(t+1) . Thus, the integrating factor is

> int_fact := mu(t) = exp( Int( 1/(t+1), t ) );

int_fact := mu(t) = exp(Int(1/(t+1), t))


which evaluates to

> int_fact1 := value( int_fact );

int_fact1 := mu(t) = t+1


The DEtools package contains intfactor , a procedure that will find an integrating factor for problems of this type.  It gives

> intfactor( lin_ode1 );



which is exactly what was obtained above.

Multiplication of the ODE by this integrating factor yields

> ode2 := subs( int_fact1, mu(t)*lin_ode1 );

ode2 := (t+1)*((diff(x(t), t))+x(t)/(t+1)) = ln(t)


While this equation is rather complicated, the definition of the integrating factor allows us to replace the left-hand side with the single derivative

> ode3 := subs( int_fact1, Diff( mu(t)*x(t), t ) ) = rhs(ode2);

ode3 := Diff((t+1)*x(t), t) = ln(t)


Maple cannot make this transformation in the "forward" direction, but can verify it "in reverse."  Simply evaluate the derivative on the left to obtain

> expand(convert(ode3,diff));

x(t)+(diff(x(t), t))*t+(diff(x(t), t)) = ln(t)


which compares favorably with

> simplify(ode2);

x(t)+(diff(x(t), t))*t+(diff(x(t), t)) = ln(t)


The equation

> ode3;

Diff((t+1)*x(t), t) = ln(t)


can be solved by direct integration, that is, by antidifferentiation of both sides.  The result is

> int_ode3 := map(Int, ode3, t );

int_ode3 := Int(Diff((t+1)*x(t), t), t) = Int(ln(t), t)


The left-hand side is trivial to evaluate, and Maple does a fine job with the right-hand side.  After evaluating these indefinite integrals and adding the constant of integration, the result is

> q1 := subs( int_fact1, mu(t)*x(t) ) = int( rhs(ode3), t ) + C;

q1 := (t+1)*x(t) = t*ln(t)-t+C


The explicit general solution to the given first-order linear ODE is therefore

> expl_soln := op(solve( q1, {x(t)} ));

expl_soln := x(t) = (t*ln(t)-t+C)/(t+1)


That this solution satisfies the original differential equation is confirmed with

> odetest( expl_soln, lin_ode1 );



To emphasize the structure of this solution, the homogeneous and particular solutions are respectively

> soln_h := x(t) = coeff( rhs(expl_soln), C );

> soln_p := x(t) = subs( C=0, rhs(expl_soln));

soln_h := x(t) = 1/(t+1)

soln_p := x(t) = (t*ln(t)-t)/(t+1)


as confirmed by

> odetest( soln_h, lhs(lin_ode1)=0 );

> odetest( soln_p, lin_ode1 );




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