Licensing Options
Do you need more licenses? Options for your students? Remote access? We can help!
Take advantage of back-to-school discounts on upgrades, license extensions, volume purchases, and remote license configurations.
From single-user term licenses to volume licenses, site license programs, or special license configurations, we offer the most flexible licensing options in the industry. We will happily provide you with a customized licensing plan to suit your infrastructure and policies. Just ask!
Virtualize your Maplesoft license so that you and your students can use Maple anywhere, anytime - in the classroom, at home, while attending a conference, or even at the mall!
Provide your students with a copy of Maple through the Maple Student Licensing Program, and allow them to use Maple on campus computers, their own laptops, or as a virtualized solution from home. There are a variety of purchase and licensing options available, including permanent and time-limited licenses and student-purchase models.