• Maple 教育学术版 • Maple 学生版 • Maple Learn 在线虚拟黑板 • Maple 计算器(手机App) • Maple 专业版 • Maple Flow 计算白板 • Maple 个人版
This collection of MapleSim and Maple classroom materials makes it easy to bring modern technology to any introductory course in control design. With interactive classroom demonstrations that illustrate key concepts in a highly visual way; engaging lab projects and assignment questions; and example models ready to be explored, this material enriches lectures, makes lab problems more concrete, and deepens understanding.
Although designed primarily for instructor use in a classroom or lab setting, students working independently will also find this material useful to improve their understanding of control design.
This free package includes:
Explore important concepts in control design
Extract systems equations directly from the models
Experiment with different parameter values
Design and analyze controllers
Give students hands-on experience with lab projects
This content is available for free! Simply fill in this form to download.