The following applications are developed and sold by third-party companies and members of the Maplesoft community. More information about each product can be found on the vendor’s web site, listed with each product description. Visit the vendor’s web site to learn more and to purchase the product.
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Optimus is a process integration and design optimization software platform that quickly identifies optimal design parameters. With its combination of powerful optimization algorithms and an intuitive interface, Optimus makes it easy to find the best parameter values for your complex MapleSim and Maple design problems. You can even use Optimus to optimize a design that uses unconnected simulation tools to evaluate different product attributes, since Optimus can incorporate other simulation tools into a single optimization environment. With Optimus, even globally distributed teams can collaborate to create automated multi-disciplinary workflows and identify the most optimal and robust design variants while respecting a proper balance between conflicting design objectives.
To purchase this product, contact Maplesoft.

Maplets for Calculus is an award-winning collection of over a hundred Maple applets (Maplets) for students and instructors, covering the most important topics in precalculus, single variable calculus, and multivariable calculus. As an Electronic Study Guide for students, these Maplets are highly pedagogical and balance the development of understanding and technical skills. Each Maplet poses a question and allows the student to work through intermediate steps to obtain an answer. The Maplet checks intermediate results, tells the student if their answer is correct or where it is incorrect, and provides hints along the way. There is an endless supply of random, algorithmically generated questions or users can enter their own problems. The highly visual Maplets enhance comprehension by making use of many 2-D and 3-D graphics and animations. These point-and-click applications require only a minimal knowledge of Maple. It’s like having a tutor without the tutor!
Instructors will appreciate using the Maplets as a source for quiz questions and as lecture demonstrations, especially for the graphics and the ability to enter their own problems. Further, in a lab setting, each student will be working on their own problems and the students will talk to each other about how to solve them. Maplets for Calculus has helped over a thousand students succeed.
For details and to purchase, visit

Harald Pleym, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Telemark University College, Norway (retired)
Mathematics with Maple™ is a comprehensive, interactive and highly visual electronic textbook written in Maple. This e-book covers more than 100 topics from mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics at the university level. It includes more than 600 worked examples, over 140 new commands for learning and visualizing concepts from calculus, and summaries of the mathematical concepts and principles associated with each topic. The material allows you to focus on concepts and examples to get a better understanding of the mathematics rather than spending time on the details of the calculations. This unique material can be used as a supplement to a standard textbook or on its own.
This e-book gives teachers a useful resource as a computational supplement for courses in mathematics, applied mathematics, science, engineering, and statistics, and allows for easy and highly visual classroom demonstrations. For students, this e-book provides help, motivation, and insight into theory and applications. The computations and computational experience gained from this book can be used in classes, labs, homework, projects, and also in engineering and other professions.
For details and to purchase, visit Mathematics with Maple

Geometry Expressions is the world's first interactive symbolic geometry system. This means that geometric figures can be defined by either symbolic constraints or numeric locations. Measurements on your drawing are not only presented numerically, but also expressed symbolically as mathematical expressions which can be exported to Maple for analysis. Where Maple automates the analysis of mathematical expressions, Geometry Expressions automates the creation of those expressions (in the geometry arena). Geometry Expressions is a stand-alone application which can be invoked and controlled from within a Maple™ worksheet, or which can communicate with Maple™ via copy and paste.
For details and to purchase, visit Saltire Software

Derivatives pricing theory comes alive in Introduction to Derivative Securities: An Interactive e-Book Powered by Maple. Readers can run live Maple computations, graphics, and point-and-click Maplet applications under a wide variety of payoffs and conditions. The no-arbitrage perspective in a one-period state-preference model drives this electronic book. Readers can experiment with interactive computations using the book and its solutions manual as a tutorial for solving problems of increasing complexity. With clear explanations and rich illustrations, the Introduction to Derivative Securities: An Interactive E-Book, powered by Maple teaches core theoretical concepts so often hidden behind difficult terms and institutional details.
The book is very suitable for self-study for anybody with a reasonable math background that is interested in understanding derivative securities. In particular the book can be used as a textbook in courses for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in MBA programs, Financial Engineering programs, Mathematical Finance, Engineering, and Economics.
For details and to purchase, visit Eliezer Prisman e-Books.

Essays in Portfolio Management: An Interactive e-Book Powered by Maple is an e-book composed of six essays in the area of Portfolio Management. It presents an interactive and dynamic friendly environment allowing readers to learn through hands-on experience. Its goal is to introduce a novice reader, but with a reasonable quantitative background in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, at the undergraduate level to some of the main topics in the area of Portfolio Management.
Users can experiment with interactive computations using the book as a tutorial for solving problems of increasing complexity. With clear explanations and rich illustrations, the Essays in Portfolio Management e-book teaches the core theoretical concepts of portfolio management.
The book is very suitable for self-study or for anybody with a reasonable quantitative background interested in the core concepts of portfolio management. In particular the book can be used as a textbook for a graduate course in portfolio management for students with a quantitative background.
For details and to purchase, visit Eliezer Prisman e-Books.

Fixed Income Fundamentals: An Interactive e-Book Powered by Maple equips novices to the area with the pillars of fixed income markets. It uses the modern finance approach as stipulated and implied by the 'No Free Lunch Condition' (NFLC). The book focuses on a conceptual understanding. Institutional information is covered only to the extent that is needed to get a full appreciation of the concepts. Utilizing the NFLC, the book explains the existence and estimation of the term structure of interest rates, valuation of financial contracts (forwards swaps etc.), and risk management strategies of bond portfolios.
This e-book consists of a series of Maple worksheets connected by a Table of Contents and hyperlinking. It presents an Interactive Dynamic Environment supported by a collection of procedures in the form of a Maple package. The technology allows readers to learn through immediate application of theory and concepts, while avoiding the frustration of tedious calculations. The book can be read utilizing the free Maple Player, but one must have the full version of Maple for execution capabilities.
For details and to purchase, visit Eliezer Prisman e-Books.