Example 1 : Find the covariance matrices of a system with discrete-time transfer function shown below, whose input is a Gaussian white process with spectral density Rw = 5.
| (1) |
For a system with a single input, the dimension of the Matrix Rw is 1x1.
By default, the output covariance Matrix Py is returned if no output option is specified.
Return the state covariance Matrix Px (expected empty for TF)
Example 2 : Find the steady-state output covariance matrix of a continuous state-space system driven by a Gaussian white process with intensity Rw = 2.
| (5) |
For a system with a single input, the Rw Matrix has 1x1 dimensions.
Return the output covariance Matrix Py.
| (7) |
Return a list of the output and state covariance Matrices [Py, Px]
| (8) |