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Applications, Examples, and Math Apps

New Examples & Applications


applications/AntennaArray: Calculate the array factor and directivity for a uniform linear antenna array.


applications/AmplifierGain: Plot the gain of an amplifier circuit for both ideal and non-ideal response.


applications/AmplifierGainApp: Plot the gain of an amplifier circuit for both ideal and non-ideal response using sliders and input fields.


applications/BandpassFilter: Investigate the frequency response for a Bandpass filter.


applications/BeamDistributedPointLoad: Derive an expression for the deflection of a beam with a distributed load and a point load.


applications/BinaryDistillation: Find the required number of stages for separating two liquid components by using the McCabe-Thiele method.


applications/BoltGroupCoefficient: Calculate the bolt coefficient for eccentrically loaded bolt groups.


applications/ChemicalKineticsParameterEstimation: Estimate the rate parameters for a reversible chemical reaction.


applications/CountercurrentHeatExchanger: Model the temperature dynamics of a countercurrent double-pipe heat exchanger.


applications/EconomicPipeSizing: Minimize the total cost of pipework across the lifetime of a plant.


applications/FilteringAudioApp: Apply filters to a WAV file.


applications/FitHeadFlowRateData: Fit head-flow rate data to a pump curve.


applications/FuelPod: Optimize the design of a fuel pod.


applications/GasOrifice: Calculate the flow rate through a large-diameter orifice.


applications/InteractingTanks: Model liquid flow between three tanks connected by two pipes.


applications/InvertedPendulum: Simulate the dynamics of an inverted pendulum on a cart.


applications/MaxFlowRatePartiallyFilledPipe: Find the maximum flow rate in a partially filled circular pipe.


applications/MaxPressureSurge: Find the excess pressure generated by water hammer due to instantaneous valve closure.


applications/MOSFETParameterEstimation: Estimate the KP and VTO SPICE parameters for an n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET.


applications/PumpPower: Calculate the pump power for flow between two reservoirs.


applications/PyramidalHorn: Calculate the optimum design parameters for an X-band pyramidal horn.


applications/RobotArm: Model a robot arm with three degrees of freedom.


applications/SettlingVelocity: Find the terminal velocity of a particle settling in a fluid.


applications/SimplySupportedBeam: Perform a design analysis on a simply supported beam with torsional loading.


applications/ThreeReservoirProblem: Calculate the flow rates, flow directions, and head at the common junction connecting three reservoirs.


applications/TunedMassDamper: Find the optimum spring and damping constant for a tuned mass damper.


applications/VehicleRide: Analyze vehicle ride and handling.


applications/WaveHeight: Fit wave height data to a probability distribution.


examples/DataSets/BubblePlot: Visualize multiple data sets using BubblePlot.


examples/DataSets/Choropleth/CustomData: Example of visualizing custom data using choropleth maps.


examples/SteadyStateMarkovChain: Compute the steady-state vector of a Markov chain.


examples/SuitcaseModel: Model a two-wheeled suitcase using delay differential equations.


examples/SimpleUnits: Use units in the Simple Units environment.


MathApps/WorldMapProjections: Explore various world map projections.


For more applications and examples, see the Examples and Applications Index.

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