PsychrometricChart - Maple Help
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create a psychrometric chart to extract and visualize thermophysical properties of humid air


Calling Sequence






Calling Sequence


PsychrometricChart(opts, plotopts)




(optional) equations of the form keyword = value, described below



(optional) plot options



temperature = range 


The range of dry bulb temperature values to be used for the horizontal axis (default: 10degC..55degC).


maxhumidityratio = numeric 


The maximal value of the humidity ratio to be used for the vertical axis (default: 0.035). The axis always starts at 0.


pressure = numeric 


The pressure value to use for the entire chart. Default value: 101325Pa.


specificvolume = true, false, or a list of values 


Whether to include lines of constant specific volume per dry air, and, if so, at what values. The default is about five lines spaced evenly over the range present in the chart.


wetbulbtemperature = true, false, or a list of values 


Whether to include lines of constant wet bulb temperature, and, if so, at what values. The default is lines for about 14 values spaced evenly over the given dry bulb temperature range, not all of which actually occur in the chart.


saturationenthalpy = true, false, or a list of values


Whether to include lines of constant saturation enthalpy, and, if so, at what values. The default is at 0,20,40,...,120Jgdry air.


legends = a set or list of the names specificvolume, wetbulbtemperature, relativehumidity, and saturationenthalpy 


The curves to include in the legend. By default, all curves are included in the legend.


numbers: set or list of the names specificvolume, wetbulbtemperature, relativehumidity, and saturationenthalpy


Display numerical values next to the curves given in the list. By default, numerical values are given for all curves.



The PsychrometricChart function generates a plot with constant relative humidity curves in humid air, with the dry bulb temperature on the horizontal axis and the humidity ratio on the vertical axis. Three additional sets of lines can be drawn on this plot: for constant specific volume per dry air, constant wet bulb temperature, and constant saturation enthalpy.


Such charts are often used for visualizations and computations involving thermodynamical properties relevant to human comfort, such as in air conditioning systems.



This is the default psychrometric chart.


To design an air conditioning unit in Denver, Colorado (also known as the Mile High City), it is better to use a chart with an appropriately lower pressure value.


Lhasa, in Tibet in China, is even higher. The relevant temperature range is also lower, and it is more arid.




The ThermophysicalData[PsychrometricChart] command was introduced in Maple 2016.


For more information on Maple 2016 changes, see Updates in Maple 2016.

See Also



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