Find the square root of under the assumption that is a positive, real constant.
You can determine the value of an expression under the assumption that all its variables are real.
| (3) |
Using the assuming command does not update .
| (5) |
The assumptions are valid only during the computation of one input statement, and no assumptions are placed on the variables.
nothing known about this object
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nothing known about this object
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Using the value command, you can evaluate an inert integral. This evaluation can be performed under assumptions.
| (10) |
It is sometimes useful to place an assumption on a variable or expression, encapsulated, independent of the rest of the computations on the worksheet. One example of that is when the value of expressions depend on where are some variables being evaluated. For this purpose you can use the inert form %assuming. For example,
When using %assuming attention should be given to the order of precedence of operations: assuming and %assuming have higher precedence than the arithmetic operators.
| (15) |
The variable a is inside the body of f; the assumption that a > 0 is not effectively used when computing f(1).
For these purposes, you can use the Physics:-Setup command with its assuminguseseAssume keyword, or use assume itself. For example
| (19) |
| (21) |