The Diode 2 component extends the basic Diode as follows:
It models reverse breakdown.
The parameters are those typically published for real-world diodes.
A series resistance has been added.
The parallel resistance has been replaced by a conductance, which can be set to zero.
The model consists of a pure diode section, a resistance, , in series with the pure diode, and a conductance, , in parallel with the pure diode. The current, , through the pure diode is given in the following table.
Lower half of reverse biased region.
Upper half of reversed biased region, and forward biased region before conduction.
Forward biased region after conduction.
is the voltage across the pure diode,
is the thermal voltage (k is the Boltzmann constant, q is the elementary charge),
is the linear continuation threshold,
is the current at that threshold, and
is the conductance at the threshold.