For this component, the mass flow rate must be specified as a function of the pressure difference in the form of a table. The following parameters allows users to specify the necessary data for this calculation.
Data Source: This parameter allows users to specify the nature of the source file for the pressure vs. flow rate table. The available options are file, attachment, and inline.
file: Use this option to specify a source file (an Excel or a CSV file) located on the hard drive. Use the parameter to browse to and/or select the data file. The data file will not be attached to the MapleSim model.
attachment: Use this option to specify a data file (an Excel or a CSV file) that is attached to the MapleSim model. To be used as an attachment, data files must be attached to the MapleSim model and be categorized under Data Sets. The attached files in a MapleSim model can be viewed in the Attachments pane under the Data Sets section. For more information, see Attaching a File to a Model. If the required file is not already attached to the MapleSim model, use the parameter to attach a new file.
If the file option is used, subsequent changes to the source file will be incorporated into MapleSim simulations.
If the attachment option is used, subsequent changes to the source file will not affect the version attached to the MapleSim model. To ensure updates to the source files are incorporated in the simulation, the file must be reattached.
The Data Generation App can be used to generate table data from mathematical functions using Maple code. For more information about MapleSim apps, see Using MapleSim Apps.
inline: Use this option to directly specify the pressure vs. area relationship in the form of a table. In the parameter, enter an matrix. The first column must contain values of pressure difference and the second column must contain corresponding values of the area.
Note: To change the dimensions of table, right-click (Control-click for Mac®) the parameter field and select Edit Matrix Dimensions. In the Matrix Dimensions dialog, enter values for the number or rows and columns and then click OK.
Skip rows: This option allows users to specify the number of top rows to be ignored during the calculations. This option can be useful when the Excel file contains header information.
Smoothness: The smoothness option specifies how the data table is interpolated.
Pressure difference unit: This option specifies the unit of pressure used in the supplied data.
Mass Flow unit: This option specifies the unit of flow rate used in the supplied data.