Step - Maple Help
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evaluate a prepared SQL statement


Calling Sequence





Calling Sequence

Step( statement )




prepared SQL statement obtained using the Prepare command



The Step command evaluates a prepared SQL statement.


Possible return values are


RESULT_BUSY means that the database engine was unable to acquire the database locks it needs to do its job. If the statement is a COMMIT or occurs outside of an explicit transaction, then you can retry the statement. If the statement is not a COMMIT and occurs within an explicit transaction then you should rollback the transaction before continuing.


RESULT_DONE means that the statement has finished executing successfully. Step should not be called again on this prepared statement without first calling Reset to reset the statement back to its initial state.


RESULT_ROW is returned each time a new row of data is ready for processing. The values may be accessed using the Fetch or FetchRow commands. Call Step again to retrieve the next row of data.


Create in memory database

Create table test with on column val1

Insert sample data - prepare statement


Execute the statement

Finalize the statement

Select data from table - prepare statement


Evaluate the statement to get the first row

Get value


Evaluate statement to get the next row

Get value


Evaluate the statement to the next row

Get value


Finalize the statement

Close database connection



The Database[SQLite][Step] command was introduced in Maple 18.


For more information on Maple 18 changes, see Updates in Maple 18.

See Also




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