Calling Sequence
AgemoPGroup( G )
AgemoPGroup( n, G )
OmegaPGroup( G )
OmegaPGroup( n, G )
: PermutationGroup; a permutation -group, for a prime number
: nonnegint; (optional) a non-negative integer, default
If is a non-negative integer, and is a finite -group, then the subgroup is defined to be the subgroup of generated by elements of of the form , as ranges over all elements of .
The AgemoPGroup( n, G ) command computes the subgroup of G, where G is a permutation -group, for some prime .
The first argument n is optional and is equal to by default. That is, the command AgemoPGroup( G ) is equivalent to AgemoPGroup( 1, G ).
For a -group , and a non-negative integer , the subgroup is defined to be the subgroup generated by the elements such that = 1, for . That is, the subgroup generated by those members of whose order divides .
The OmegaPGroup( n, G ) command computes for a permutation group G of prime power order.
When called with two arguments, and , the indicated subgroup is returned. When called with just one argument , the subgroup is returned.
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While it is immediate from the definition that , for all and any finite -group , equality may occur.
However, we must eventually reach the entire group .
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