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Find your task in the comprehensive list below and follow the instructions. For many tasks, the instructions will refer you to Task Templates. For more information on using task templates, see Student Resources.
Constructing algebraic objects
How do I...
enter a piecewise expression or function
Example 1.1: Use the piecewise template from the Expression palette
enter an algebraic equation
create a sequence
Context Panel: Sequence
construct a loop
write the exponential function
Example 1.4: Use the exponential template from the Expression palette or use Command Completion in Math mode
In Math mode, the expression can be entered normally with the entered as a subscript. To enter the subscript level, hold down [Ctrl] and press underscore [_]; after typing the subscript, press the right arrow key to leave the subscript. Finish the expression by entering
Example 1.5: Use the log template from the Expression palette
In Maple Input mode, log[a](x) can be used to represent
convert an expression to a function
write a procedure
Algebraic manipulations
How do I...
obtain the equation of a line
obtain the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment
obtain the slope of a line segment
compute the distance between two points
complete the square
Context Panel: Complete Square
square both sides of an equation
Context Panel: Manipulate Equation
substitute into an expression
Context Panel: Evaluate at a Point
Context Panel: Constructions → Evaluate At → [variable name] (yields unevaluated evaluation)
Use the template from the Expression palette; replace with the expression on which to perform the substitution, and overwrite with either the variable name equated to a value or a list of such equations
Use the command eval to substitute a variable or value into an expression
substitute into an equation
Use any of the devices for substitution into an expression, except that the Context Panel for an equation does not provide the Constructions option
obtain the solution to RootOf
Context Panel: All Values
Context Panel: Conversions → To Radical
force an equation to be an identity
Use the command solve(identity(eqn, x), vars); the expression (or equation) eqn is considered an identity in terms of the variable x, and solve attempts to find a solution in terms of vars that satisfies eqn for any value of x.
determine the inverse of a function
Function Inverse Tutor:
interpolate data
Context Panel: Curve Fitting → any of
B-Spline, Interactive Curve Fitting, Least Squares,
Polynomial Interpolation, Rational, Spline, Thiele
Curve Fitting Assistant:
This assistant also allows you to import data into Maple from an external file to produce plots of various interpolating functions (Example 2.1)
obtain a partial fraction decomposition of a rational function
Context Panel: Conversions → Partial Fractions → [variable name]
obtain real values of
Algebraic solvers
How do I...
solve algebraic equation(s)
Context Panel: Solve → any of
Isolate Expression for, Numerically Solve,
Numerically Solve from point, Obtain Solutions for, Solve,
Solve (explicit), Solve (general solution), Solve for Variable
solve an inequality
eliminate parameter in parametric equations
Context Panel: Solve → Eliminate a Variable → [parameter name]
eliminate selected variables in a set or list of equations
Context Panel: Solve → Eliminate Variables
Polynomial arithmetic
How do I...
multiply out the factored form of a polynomial
factor a polynomial
find the zeros of a polynomial
obtain the quotient and remainder when dividing polynomials
How do I...
graph a curve or a surface
For an expression, Context Panel: Plots → Plot Builder
For a function, Context Panel: Plots → 2-D Plot or 3-D Plot
create an animation
Context Panel: Plots → Plot Builder →
Select Plot Type and Functions → Animation
Use the animate command in the plots package
animate the drawing of a plane curve
trace coordinates along a plane curve
Context Panel (for graph): Probe Info → Nearest point on line
create a graph with one or more parameters controlled by sliders
Context Panel: Plots → Plot Builder →
Select Plot Type and Functions → Interactive Plot with (n) parameter(s)
graph a rational function and its asymptotes
Rational Function Tutor:
graph linear inequalities
Linear Inequalities tutor
Use the inequal command in the plots package
graph conic sections
Conic Sections tutor
graph the intersection of two surfaces
Use the intersectplot command from the plots package
Differential calculus in one variable
How do I...
construct a limit
Context Panel: Constructions → Limit → [variable name] and input the value
evaluate a limit
Limit Methods tutor
display an annotated stepwise evaluation of a limit
Load the Student[Calculus1] package (Tools → Load Package → Student Calculus 1)
Calculus palette: enter and complete , the limit template
Context Panel: 2-D Math → Convert To → Inert Form
Context Panel: Solve → Show Solution Steps
Context Panel: Differentiate → [variable name]
Use the template from the Calculus palette: See Example 6.3
exhibit annotated stepwise evaluation of a derivative
Load the Student[Calculus1] package (Tools → Load Package → Student Calculus 1)
Calculus palette: enter and complete , the differentiation template
Context Panel: 2-D Math → Convert To → Inert Form
Context Panel: Solve → Show Solution Steps
differentiate implicitly
Context Panel: Differentiate → Implicitly
graph a function and its derivative(s)
obtain equations for tangent and normal lines along a curve
analyze a plane curve
Curve Analysis tutor
Use the FunctionChart command from the Student Calculus 1 package
obtain Taylor series and polynomials
implement Newton's Method
Use the NewtonsMethod command from the Student Calculus1 package
Integral calculus in one variable
How do I...
obtain a Riemann sum for
Riemann Sum tutor
obtain the indefinite integral of
Context Panel: Integrate
obtain the definite integral of
Context Panel: Constructions → Definite Integral
display annotated stepwise evaluation of an integral
Load the Student[Calculus1] package (Tools → Load Package → Student Calculus 1)
Calculus palette: enter and complete definite or indefinite integration templates: or
Context Panel: 2-D Math → Convert To → Inert Form
Context Panel: Solve → Show Solution Steps
enter and evaluate
Example 7.2: Use the template, , from the Calculus palette
enter and evaluate
Example 7.2: Use the template, , from the Calculus palette
approximate a definite integral numerically
Context Panel: Approximate
integrate by parts
integrate by trig substitution
compute the average value of a function
calculate the length of a curve (arc length)
Use the ArcLength command from the Student Calculus1 package
calculate the volume of a solid of revolution
calculate the surface area of a surface of revolution
obtain the radius of convergence of a power series
apply the Ratio test for convergence of a series
Multivariate calculus
How do I...
obtain partial derivatives of a multivariate expression
Context Panel: Differentiate
Use the partial-differentiation template in the Calculus palette
obtain partial derivatives of a multivariate function
find and test critical points of a multivariate function or expression
obtain the gradient vector for a multivariate function
Use the Gradient command from the Student MultivariateCalculus package
obtain the directional derivative of a multivariate scalar field
implement the Lagrange Multiplier method
obtain a Taylor expansion of a multivariate expression
Context Panel: Series → Multivariate Taylor Polynomial
obtain the Jacobian matrix and the Jacobian of a multivariate expression
Use the Jacobian command from the Student MultivariateCalculus package
Use the Jacobian command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the Hessian of a multivariate expression
Use the Hessian command from the VectorCalculus package
implement iterated integration
Example 8.4: Iterate an integral icon from Calculus palette
evaluate iterated double integrals over pre-defined regions
evaluate iterated triple integrals over pre-defined regions
evaluate an iterated integral numerically
Context Panel: Approximate
Multivariate Approximate Integration tutor
or See Example 8.5
Use the ApproximateInt command from the Student MultivariateCalculus package
visualize the region of integration for an iterated integral
compute the average value of a multivariate expression
determine the center of mass of a plane or spatial region
calculate the surface area for a surface that is not a surface of revolution
Vector calculus
How do I...
designate a coordinate system
enter a free vector (the equivalent of a point)
Type , where inequality signs are used for angle brackets
Use the Vector command from the VectorCalculus package
attach a coordinate system to a free vector
construct a vector field
Use the VectorField command from the VectorCalculus package
evaluate a vector field at a point
graph a vector field
Vector Fields tutor
Use the PlotVector command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the dot product of two vectors
Use the period, or the dot () from the Common Symbols palette
Use the DotProduct command from the VectorCalculus package
calculate the magnitude of a vector
Use the Norm command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the cross product of two vectors
In Math mode, use from the Common Symbols palette
In text mode, use &x as the cross-product operator
Use the CrossProduct command from the VectorCalculus package
visualize the cross-product vector
obtain the gradient of a scalar field
Example 9.2: Gradient via the Nabla or Del operator
Use the Gradient command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the divergence of a vector field
Example 9.3: Divergence via the Nabla or Del operator
Use the Divergence command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the curl of a vector field
Use the Curl command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the Laplacian of a scalar field
Example 9.5: Laplacian via the Nabla or Del operator
Use the Laplacian command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the Laplacian of a vector field
evaluate iterated double integrals over pre-defined regions
evaluate iterated triple integrals over pre-defined regions
evaluate an iterated integral using the int command as modified by the VectorCalculus packages
compute a line integral along a plane curve
compute a line integral along a space curve
calculate a surface integral
compute the flux of a vector field through a plane curve
compute the flux of a vector field through a surface
visualize the TNB (tangent-normal-binormal) frame for a space curve
Space Curve tutor
interactively implement the Frenet-Serret formalism for a space-curve
programmatically implement the Frenet-Serret formalism for a space-curve
Use the TNBFrame command from the VectorCalculus package
Use the Binormal command from the VectorCalculus package
Use the Curvature command from the VectorCalculus package
Use the Torsion command from the VectorCalculus package
obtain the coordinates of a point in a different coordinate system
change coordinates in a vector field
Complex arithmetic
How do I...
enter a complex number
Example 10.1: Enter a complex number using , , or from the Common Symbols palette
obtain the real and imaginary parts of a complex number
obtain the magnitude and argument of a complex number
express a complex number in polar form
convert a complex number to rectangular form
How do I...
enter an ordinary differential equation
Example 11.1: Enter a differential equation using dot notation, prime notation, or the command diff
obtain a direction field for
obtain the Picard iterates for
solve an ordinary differential equation
Context Panel: Solve DE
solve an initial or boundary value problem
Context Panel: Solve DE Interactively
classify the type of an ODE
Context Panel: Classify the ODE
solve an ODE numerically
Context Panel: Solve DE Interactively, then choose Solve Numerically
obtain the Wronskian for a fundamental set of solutions
Use the Wronskian command from the VectorCalculus package
generate a phase portrait for an autonomous system of ODEs
Use the DEplot command from the DEtools package
explore phase portraits for autonomous systems of ODEs
DE Plots tutor
Linear algebra
How do I...
for a given vector, find its coordinates with respect to a specific basis
obtain the dot product of two vectors
Context Panel: Dot Product (apply to sequence of two vectors)
Example 12.1: Obtain the dot product of two vectors using the Common Symbols palette or using a period
determine the angle between two vectors
Use the VectorAngle command in the Student LinearAlgebra package
calculate a vector norm
Example 12.2: Calculate the norm of a vector using symbols or a command
project one vector onto another
project a vector onto a subspace spanned by two other vectors or onto a plane through the origin
obtain , the cross-product of two vectors
Math mode: use from Common Symbols, or Operators palettes
Text mode: use &x
See Example 12.3
extract a maximal linearly independent subset from a set of vectors
Use the Basis command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
obtain the determinant of a matrix
Context Panel: Standard Operations → Determinant
Example 12.4: Use the absolute value template from the Layout palette
Use the Determinant command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
multiply a matrix by a scalar
In math mode, use a space as the multiplication operator
In text mode, use * as the multiplication operator
apply the function to each element of a vector or matrix
Use the element-wise operator:
obtain the product of two matrices and
Use the period for noncommutative multiplication:
raise a square matrix to a positive integer power such as 3
Use ordinary exponentiation:
obtain the rank of a matrix
Context Panel: Queries → Rank
Use the Rank command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
obtain the nullity of a matrix
obtain bases for row, column, and null spaces of a matrix
obtain the transpose or Hermitian transpose of a matrix
Context Panel: Standard Operations → Transpose
Example 12.5: In Math mode, for a matrix A, its transpose can be found by typing
construct a projection matrix
perform augmentation or stacking operations on a matrix
Example 12.6: Stacking on top of , where and are vectors or matrices is done by typing ; Augmenting with is done by typing
solve the linear system
Augment by using and apply Context Panel: Solvers and Forms → Row-Echelon Form (see Example 12.6)
Use the LinearSolve command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
implement Gaussian elimination
Context Panel: Solvers and Forms → Row-Echelon Form
obtain the inverse of a square matrix
In math mode, simply execute
In text mode, execute A^(-1)
Context Panel: Standard Operations → Inverse
Use the MatrixInverse command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
obtain the pseudoinverse of a singular or nonsquare matrix
Context Panel: Standard Operations → Pseudoinverse
Use the Pseudoinverse command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a matrix
Context Panel: Eigenvalues, etc → Eigenvalues
compute for a constant matrix
apply the Gram-Schmidt process to the columns of a matrix, or a list or set vectors
apply the Gram-Schmidt process to a list or set of vectors
Use the GramSchmidt command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
visualize the effect of multiplying a planar vector by a square matrix
Equate corresponding components in two vectors or matrices
Context Panel: Equate (applied to the sequence of objects)
convert linear equations to matrix form
Load Student[LinearAlgebra]
Context Panel: Student Linear Algebra → Constructions → Generate Matrix (applied to sequence of equations)
Use the GenerateMatrix command from the Student LinearAlgebra package
Numerical analysis
How do I...
approximate the roots of an expression to a given accuracy using Newton's method
approximate the roots of an expression using a specific method
Use the Roots command from the Student NumericalAnalysis package: See Example 13.2
Available methods: Newton, Modified Newton, Bisection, Secant, Fixed-Point Iteration, False-Position, and Steffensen
find the interpolating polynomial
find the error term for a polynomial interpolation problem
find the divided difference table
find the quadrature using a specific method
Use the Quadrature command from the Student NumericalAnalysis package: See Example 13.6
Available methods: Boole's rule, Simpson's rule, Simpson's 3/8 rule, trapezoid rule, Newton-Cotes rule, Gaussian rule, and Romberg integration. Adaptive quadrature can be applied to the first five methods.
solve an ODE initial value problem using Euler's method
Euler tutor
solve an ODE initial value problem using a specific method, or compare the numerical solutions found using various methods
IVP tutor
Methods included: Euler, Taylor, Runge-Kutta, Adams-Bashforth, and Adams-Bashforth-Moulton
factor a square matrix using matrix decomposition
Matrix Decomposition tutor
use a numerical method to solve
Iterative Formula tutor
Use the LinearSolve command from the Student NumericalAnalysis package: See Example 13.8
Available methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, LU, LU[tridiagonal], PLU, and PLU[scaled]
How do I...
define a random variable
evaluate the probability density function of a random variable
evaluate the probability function of a discrete random variable
evaluate the cumulative probability density function of a random variable
define a probability distribution
sample a random variable with a given probability distribution
compute moments for a random variable
compute maximum likelihood estimates
fit a regression model to data
import data from a file
Import Data Assistant: Tools → Assistants → Import Data
create statistical process control charts
Integer manipulations
How do I...
decompose an integer into the product of its prime factors
obtain the greatest common divisor (GCD) of integers
obtain the lowest common multiple (LCM) of integers
obtain the value of an integer modulo
solve an equation for integer values of the variables
solve an equation for integers modulo
determine whether a specified integer is prime
Units, errors, and tolerances
How do I...
apply a unit to a quantity
Example 16.1: Apply units to quantities by using either of the two Units palettes or by using the Context Panel: Units → Affix Unit.
convert units
Example 16.2: Convert a quantity with units to another unit using the Context Panel: Units → Convert → System → [desired system of units] and Units → Replace Units.
use tolerances
Example 16.3: Add tolerances to quantities by inserting from a palette or by using Command Completion, and then perform computations using tolerances.
change a default unit in a system of units
compute with quantities having units attached
compute with quantities having errors attached
access and use values of scientific constants
change to equivalent units in a quantity carrying units
convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit
change the units associated with a quantity
evaluate an expression at values having units
switch from one unit system to another
compute with quantities carrying tolerance limits
Recurrence equations
How do I...
enter a recurrence equation
solve a recurrence equation
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