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compute the p-norm of a Matrix or Vector


Calling Sequence




Calling Sequence

Norm(A, p, options)




Matrix or Vector



(optional) non-negative number, infinity, Euclidean, or Frobenius; norm selector that is dependent upon A



(optional) parameters; for a complete list, see LinearAlgebra[Norm]



The Norm(A) command computes the Euclidean (2)-norm of A.


Note: The default norm in the top-level LinearAlgebra package is the infinity norm, as that norm is faster to compute for Matrices.


The allowable values for the norm-selector parameter, p, depend on whether A is a Vector or a Matrix.




Vector Norms


If V is a Vector and p is included in the calling sequence, p must be one of a non-negative number, infinity, Frobenius, or Euclidean.


The p-norm of a Vector V when  is .


The infinity-norm of  Vector V is .


Maple implements Vector norms for all .  For  the final pth root computation is not done, that is, the calculation is . This defines a metric on , but the pth root is not a norm and the form computed by Norm in such cases is more useful.  The limiting case of  returns the number of nonzero elements of V (this is a floating-point number  if p or any element of V is a floating-point number).


For Vectors, the 2-norm can also be specified as either Euclidean or  Frobenius.




Matrix Norms


If A is a Matrix and p is included in the calling sequence, p must be one of 1, 2, infinity, Frobenius, or Euclidean.


The p-norm of a Matrix A is max(Norm(A . V, p)), where the maximum is calculated over all Vectors V with Norm(V, p) = 1.  Maple implements only Norm(A, p) for  and the special case  (which is not actually a Matrix norm; the Matrix A is treated as a "folded up" Vector). These norms are defined as follows.


Norm(A, 1) = max(seq(Norm(A[1..-1, j], 1), j = 1 .. ColumnDimension(A)))


Norm(A, infinity) = max(seq(Norm(A[i, 1..-1], 1), i = 1 .. RowDimension(A)))


Norm(A, 2) = sqrt(max(seq(Eigenvalues(A . A^%T)[i], i = 1 .. RowDimension(A))))


Norm(A, Frobenius) = sqrt(add(add((A[i,j]^2), j = 1 .. ColumnDimension(A)), i = 1 .. RowDimension(A)))


For Matrices, the 2-norm can also be specified as Euclidean.










See Also






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