Better handling of multiple or complicated assumptions:
Improved handling of SetOf:
Functional properties added:
Logic added to is to take into account functional properties during simplification:
abs factors out positive values:
Simplification of properties:
| (7.11) |
Improved handling of specified RootOfs:
More care is taken with unspecified RootOfs. is now only returns true if the condition is true for all possible values of the RootOf. coulditbe returns true if any possible value of the RootOf returns true:
Improvements when processing Non properties:
Improvements made to solving linear inequalities:
Extra knowledge added regarding odd, even:
Improvements regarding properties GaussianInteger and prime:
Better treatment of conditions with infinity and floats:
More simplification of radicals inside is:
Improved handling of assumptions involving Re and Im:
Improved normalization for LinearProp:
| (7.37) |
Improved handling of OrProp and Or conditions:
More care is taken about assuming variables are real if they are involved in an inequality assumption. The assumption must be an affirmative one:
Improved handling of nonstrict inequalities involving infinity:
It is now recognized that a and b may not be real in this example:
Improved simplification of piecewise using assumptions:
Improved handling of multiple periodic assumptions:
Improvements in signum under assumptions:
Other miscellaneous improvements: