Chapter 4: Partial Differentiation
Section 4.7: Approximations
Example 4.7.10
At x,y=4,1, construct the second-degree Taylor polynomial for fx,y=3 x2+y3.
Mathematical Solution
The expression for the second-degree Taylor polynomial, namely,
f4,1+fx⋅x−4+fy⋅y−1+12fxx⋅x−42+2 fxy⋅x−4⋅y−1+fyy⋅y−12
where all derivatives are evaluated at 4,1, becomes
−12744+594343x+31372y+3686x2−18343x y+5792744y2
upon simplifying.
Maple Solution - Interactive
Tools≻Load Package: Student Multivariate Calculus
Loading Student:-MultivariateCalculus
Context Panel: Assign Function
fx,y=3 x2+y3→assign as functionf
Obtain the second-degree Taylor polynomial
Use the tutor to obtain the first-degree Taylor polynomial. See Figure 4.7.10(a).
Alternatively, launch the tutor by typing fx,y and pressing the Enter key.
Context Panel: Student Multivariate Calculus≻Tutors≻Taylor Approximation Set x,y=4,1 and set the Degree to 2
Figure 4.7.10(a) The Taylor Approximation tutor
Obtain the second-degree Taylor polynomial from first principles
Set all subscripted instances of the symbol f as Atomic Identifiers.
Calculus palette: Partial derivative operator (as appropriate)
f__xx,y=∂∂ x fx,y→assign as functionf__x
f__yx,y=∂∂ y fx,y→assign as functionf__y
f__xxx,y=∂2∂x2 fx,y→assign as functionf__xx
f__xyx,y=∂2∂ y∂ x fx,y→assign as functionf__xy
f__yyx,y=∂2∂y2 fx,y→assign as functionf__yy
Setting each subscripted f as an Atomic Identifier, write the appropriate formula and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify
f4,1+f__x4,1⋅x−4+f__y4,1⋅y−1+12f__xx4,1⋅x−42+2 f__xy4,1⋅x−4⋅y−1+f__yy4,1⋅y−12
= simplify
Maple Solution - Coded
Define f.
f≔x,y→3 x2+y3:
Apply the simplify command to the result from the TaylorApproximation command in the Student MultivariateCalculus package.
Apply the simplify command to the result of setting the formula with the differential operator D.
q≔f4,1+D1f4,1⋅x−4+D2f4,1⋅y−1+12D1,1f4,1⋅x−42+2 D1,2f4,1⋅x−4⋅y−1+D2,2f4,1⋅y−12
In constructing the expression for the quadratic term, note that the equality of mixed partials was assumed. The terms containing fxy and fyx were combined into 2 fxy4,1⋅x−4⋅y−1.
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