Chapter 8: Applications of Triple Integration
Section 8.1: Volume
Example 8.1.7
Use an iterated triple integral to obtain the volume of R, the region enclosed by the cylinder y2+4 z2=16 and the planes x=1 and x+y=5.
Mathematical Solution
Figure 8.1.7(a) shows the solid whose volume is obtained by iterating a triple integral in Cartesian coordinates in the order dx dy dz.
∫−22∫−24−z224−z2∫05−y1 dx dy dz = 40 π
The bounds on y are determined by solving the equation of the cylinder for y=±16−4 z2, and factoring this to y=±24−z2.
Iterating in the order dx dz dy also works, with z=±16−y2/2.
Figure 8.1.7(a) Sliced elliptic cylinder
Maple Solution - Interactive
Tools≻Load Package: Student Multivariate Calculus
Loading Student:-MultivariateCalculus
Access the MultiInt command via the Context Panel
Type the integrand, 1.
Context Panel: Student Multivariate Calculus≻Integrate≻Iterated Fill in the fields of the two dialogs shown below.
Context Panel: Evaluate Integral
Table 8.1.7(a) provides a solution by a task template that integrates in Cartesian coordinates and draws the region of integration.
Tools≻Tasks≻Browse: Calculus - Multivariate≻Integration≻Visualizing Regions of Integration≻Cartesian 3-D
Evaluate ∭RΨx,y,z dv and Graph R
Volume Element dv
Select dvdz dy dxdz dx dydx dy dzdx dz dydy dx dzdy dz dx
, where Ψ=
Table 8.1.7(a) Task template integrating in Cartesian coordinates
Table 8.1.7(b) provides solutions from first principles.
Calculus Palette: Iterated triple-integral template
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
∫−22∫−24−z224−z2∫05−y1 ⅆx ⅆy ⅆz = 40π
∫−44∫−16−y2/216−y2/2∫05−y1 ⅆx ⅆz ⅆy = 40π
Table 8.1.7(b) Integration via first principles
Maple Solution - Coded
Table 8.1.7(c) obtains a solution via the MultiInt command in the Student MultivariateCalculus package.
Table 8.1.7(c) MultiInt command iterating in Cartesian coordinates in the order dy dz dx
Table 8.1.7(d) implements the iterated integration via the top-level Int and int commands.
Table 8.1.7(d) Top-level Int and int commands
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