Calling Sequence
ApplyLinearTransformPlot(M2, P2, opts)
ApplyLinearTransformPlot(M3, P3, opts)
2x2 Matrix
3x3 Matrix
2-D plot, list of 2-D points, or one of circle, grid, or square
3-D plot, list of 3-D points, or one of sphere, grid, or cube
plotting options or equation(s) of the form option = value where option is one of iterations, logscale, output, style, trace, or Student plot options; specify options for the plot
The ApplyLinearTransformPlot(M) command plots a circle or sphere and 4 (default value) successive images of that object under the given transformation.
The ApplyLinearTransformPlot(M,P) command plots the object P and 4 (default value) successive images of that object under the transformation defined by M. P can be a plot object, a list of points, or one of the keywords circle, cube, grid, sphere, or square. A list of points can be represented as a list of lists of two algebraic values in the 2-D case, and a list of lists of three algebraic values in the 3-D case.
The opts argument can include any of the Student plot options or any of the following equations that set plot options.
The number of times the given linear transformation is applied to the object. By default, 4 iterations are applied.
If this option is set to true, the transformation is applied to each point. [Default: false]
output = plot or animation
This option controls the return value of the function. [Default: plot]
* output = plot specifies a plot, showing P and its image under M applied as often as specified by the iterations option.
* output = animation specifies an animation, where the first iteration shows P, with subsequent frames showing the transformation M applied successively.
Selects whether to plot a list of points as points or connected by line segments. This option is ignored if P is not a list of points. [Default: point]
trace = nonnegint or infinity
During an animation, up to this many previous frames will be displayed in the current one. [Default: ]
The default caption is constructed from the parameters and the command options. caption = "" disables the default caption. For more information about specifying a caption, see plot/typesetting.
Determinant: -2/3
Norm: (29/36+1/36*265^(1/2))^(1/2)
Eigenvalue: 1/4+1/12*105^(1/2)
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < 4.803, 1. >
Eigenvalue: 1/4-1/12*105^(1/2)
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < -.3117, 1. >
| |
Determinant: .84
Norm: 1.206
Eigenvalue: 1.200
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < .8321, .5547 >
Eigenvalue: .7000
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < -.7071, .7071 >
| |
Determinant: .84
Norm: 1.206
Eigenvalue: 1.200
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < .8321, .5547 >
Eigenvalue: .7000
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < -.7071, .7071 >
| |
Determinant: .756
Norm: 1.473
Eigenvalue: .7394
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < -.7874, .3419, .5129 >
Eigenvalue: 1.461
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < .5857, .4496, .6744 >
Eigenvalue: .7000
Multiplicity: 1
Eigenvector: < .7071, -.7071, .3955e-15 >
| |