The following example shows how to declare an external function that takes callback parameters. The external function is an implementation of Newton's method for finding a root of the given function, . The derivative of , fprime must also be provided. The initial guess is continuously improved until the absolute value of is less than or equal to the given tolerance. If a good solution cannot be found in 100 iterations, the computation aborts and 0 is returned, otherwise the improved guess is returned. The external C function is defined as follows.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double newton(
double ( f ) (double),
double ( fprime ) (double),
double guess,
double tolerance )
int count = 0;
while( fabs(f(guess)) > tolerance && count++ < 100 )
guess = guess - f(guess)/fprime(guess);
return( count>=100 ? 0 : guess );
The Maple definition is:
Pick an equation and find its derivative.
The external function expects procedure arguments, so turn the above polynomials into procedures.
Call the external function to find the root.
Verify that this is a root.