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Compatibility Issues in Maple 2016

The following is a brief description of the compatibility issues that affect users upgrading from Maple 2015 to Maple 2016.


Importing Data

Current Directory in libname

Orientation for 3-D Plots

Worksheet Zoom Level

Parametric Infinite Sums

Maple Spreadsheets

Typesetting Rules

Tabulate Return Value

Prevent Automatic Evaluation of Pi in Float Expressions

Deprecated Packages

Maple 2016.2

Importing Data

By default, the Import command now returns a DataFrame when importing from Excel (XLS and XLSX), CSV, DIF, and TSV file formats, and returns a DataSeries when importing from ODS and SXC file formats. Use the output option to specify a different format.  For example, Import(origin, output=Matrix).

Current Directory in libname

The libname variable stores the paths to repository files where variables and packages will be implicitly loaded. Previous versions of Maple automatically put "." as an entry in libname. This meant that Maple would look in the current directory for .mla files in order to load variables and data. Now Workbook files can be used interchangeably with .mla files, and .maple files give you a place to store variables associated with specific worksheets. As a result, . is not automatically added to libname.


Orientation for 3-D Plots

The default orientation for 3-D plots has changed.  The new default orientation is [55, 75, 0].  In previous versions of Maple, the default orientation was [45, 45, 0].

Worksheet Zoom Level

In previous versions of Maple, the zoom level for worksheets has been stored in the worksheet itself. In Maple 2016, the zoom level is no longer stored in the Maple worksheet. The default zoom for any Maple worksheet is now set to use the zoom level as set in the Tools > Options > Interface tab > Default zoom. More details, see the Interface page.

Parametric Infinite Sums

In Maple 2016, the default behavior for geometric, hypergeometric, polylog and Zeta type parametric infinite sums has changed. While in earlier Maple versions some of these sums used to return a formal answer even if the sum diverges for some parameter values, now the default behavior is to return an unevaluated sum. Consider, for example, the geometric sum:

sum(x^n, n=0..infinity);



This behavior can be changed by one of the following means:


Supply appropriate assumptions on the parameter(s)

sum(x^n, n=0..infinity) assuming abs(x)<1;



sum(x^n, n=0..infinity) assuming x>=1;


Use option parametric

sum(x^n, n=0..infinity, parametric);



Use the _EnvFormal environment variable or option formal

_EnvFormal := true:

sum(x^n, n=0..infinity);



_EnvFormal := '_EnvFormal':

sum(x^n, n=0..infinity);



sum(x^n, n=0..infinity, formal);



See Advanced Math for more details.

Similarly, the default behavior for convert/hypergeom has changed as well.

S := Sum(x^n/n,n=1..infinity);



convert(S, hypergeom);



convert(S, hypergeom) assuming abs(x)<1;



_EnvFormal := true;



convert(S, hypergeom);



Maple Spreadsheets

The Spreadsheet menu has been removed from the standard menu bar, and the Insert > Spreadsheet menu item has been removed from the Insert menu.


To access the commands that were in the Spreadsheet menu, right-click (Control-click for Macintosh) on the spreadsheet to bring up the context-sensitive menu. For more information, see Overview of Spreadsheets.


To insert a new Maple spreadsheet, use the Spread:-CreateSpreadsheet(); command. For more information, see Spread.

Typesetting Rules

The Typesetting rules can no longer be set to the value query with the Typesetting:-Settings command. Similarly, the query value is no longer available in the Typesetting Rule Assistant.

The default values for the functionassign and numericalderivs rules are now true in both cases.

A consequence of these changes is that the Clarify Expression dialog no longer appears when any of these rules are invoked. For example, f(x) := 4 in 1-D input will add an entry to the remember table of f, while fx4 in 2-D input will assign the operator x->4 to f.

Tabulate Return Value

The return value for the DocumentTools:-Tabulate command is now the identity of the inserted parent Table.

The display of the returned value may be suppressed by terminating the calling statement with a full colon.

The returned identity, which is a string, may be used to modify properties of the Table following insertion. See the DocumentTools:-Tabulate help page for examples.

Prevent Automatic Evaluation of Pi in Float Expressions

Maple 2015 introduced a change in the handling of Pi. Whenever Pi is adjacent to a floating-point number in a sum, product, or power, Pi is automatically converted to a floating-point number.  See Compatibility Issues in Maple 2015.

In order to keep the symbol Pi in such cases, set the kernelopts option floatPi to false.

Deprecated Packages


The hashmset package has been deprecated.  Use the superseding data structure MultiSet instead.


The NumberTheory package updates and replaces the numtheory package.

Maple 2016.2

Supported Video File Formats


The OGG and OGV file formats are no longer supported.


The list of supported video player file formats and associated codecs can be found here:

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