Calling Sequence
Slice( Container, numslices, slicesreturned )
container (list, set, or 1-D rtable), to be sliced into sub-containers
positive integer, specifying the target number of sub-containers
(optional) positive or negative integer, or list/set of positive or negative integers, specifying which sub-containers are to be returned. The default is [seq(1..numslices)].
The command slices a container into a sequence of sub-containers with the number of elements in each sub-container differing by at most one.
If not all the sub-containers are of the same length, the longer containers appear first.
Elements in the returned sequence of sub-containers appear in the same order as the original container.
If the specified number of sub-containers is greater than the number of elements in the original container, then the container is sliced into sub-containers of single elements, followed by empty sub-containers.
When the optional parameter slicesreturned is passed, only the specified sub-containers are computed and returned. Note that an error will be thrown if 0, or any number larger than numslices or smaller than -numslices, is passed.
Example 1
Example 2
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
Example 3
| (12) |
Example 4
The ListTools[Slice] command was introduced in Maple 2020.
The ListTools[Slice] command was updated in Maple 2021.
The Container parameter was updated in Maple 2021.
The slicesreturned option was introduced in Maple 2021.