AI Formula Assistant is found on the left side of the Maple window. Click the AI Formula Assistant tab to activate that pane.
Simply ask a question, phrase, or comma-separated words, and search using AI.
For example, you could search for:
What is the law of sines?
functional equation of the Riemann zeta function
resistance of five resistors connected in parallel
friction factor in turbulent flow
non-ideal diode equation
In response to your query, you'll get a number of related formulas. For each, the provided information consists of the equation, any context, and a description of the variables that appear in the equation. Once you've made your selection, you can insert your chosen formula into your document.
Before using this feature, you'll need to agree to the terms of use.
Click the AI Terms of Use button
Read and accept the terms and click Apply Globally.
For details, see Using the AI Formula Assistant.
It can take some time for a response to appear. You can continue to use Maple while waiting for a response. Responses are cached, so if you search for the same phrase again, you will notice the response can be much quicker.
This feature relies on sending your query to a third party AI tool, and, as a result,the answers you get may not be accurate or complete. Maplesoft cannot control the quality of the response.
An equation inserted from the AI Formula Assistant may need to be edited to be in proper Maple notation.
At times, you may encounter an error message when you try to insert an equation. In such a case, you may still be able to manually copy and paste from the AI Search Assistant into the worksheet.