Table 4.1.1(a) contains the application of the Left Riemann Sum task template to the function in Example 4.1.1. The path to the task template is given in the heading of the table, and can be accessed either through the Tools menu, or by clicking this link.
Once inside the task template, the Tab key will advance the cursor and ultimately select the first field to be replaced, namely, the field where the function is to be entered. As can be seen in the table, all the fields for this example have been filled in, and the Enter key pressed to execute each command in the table. Note the use of for the number of subintervals.
The task template implements the RiemannSum command, which accesses the requisite information via equation labels. The option output=sum causes the RiemannSum command to return the left Riemann sum for subintervals.
Tools≻Tasks≻Browse: Calculus - Integral≻Integration≻Riemann Sums≻Left
The Left Riemann Sum
Enter :
Enter the interval :
Enter the value of :
The left Riemann sum:
Value of the Riemann sum:
Table 4.1.1(a) Left Riemann Sum task template applied to on the interval
The Riemann sum is evaluated to by Maple. In the typical calculus text, the algebra by which this evaluation is effected requires its own chapter to master. Unfortunately, the effort to pass from to often distracts the student from seeing that the area under a curve is obtained as the limit of a Riemann sum. From the Limit template in the Evaluation palette, with evaluation via the Context Panel, this limit is
Table 4.1.1(b) shows how this very same calculation can be implemented interactively.
Context Panel: Assign Function
Write the ratio defining the stepsize
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Expression palette: Limit and Summation templates
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Table 4.1.1(b) Computing the limit of a left Riemann sum interactively