Modeling and Code Generation for a Robot Arm - Maple Help
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Modeling and Code Generation for a Robot Arm


This application models a robot arm with three degrees of freedom. To model the arm, the worksheet does the following:



Analytically derives the Denavit & Hartenberg transformation matrix for each of the three joints


Generates optimized C code for the angle of the third joint, in terms of the position of the end effector


Lets the user specify a parametric path for the tip of the robot to follow


Animates the robot following the parametric path



Adapted from

Transformation Matrix for One Joint





Transformation Matrix of Tip with Respect to Base

Next, use parameters for a robot with a sequence of three arms and compute the transformation matrix for the tip of the robot with respect to its base.


Path for Robot Tip to Follow

This is the required path for the end effector, as a function of time.

path  x=35050sint+75 sin3 t,                    y=45080 cost+50 sin5 t,                    z=50030 sin2 t+60 cos5 t:

Deriving Joint Angles

First Angle




Second Angle

uw12+w22+w32A:vw3z:Wsimplifyu2 lengthArm1v:ΘsolveW,θ3:Θ2evalΘ,A=z2+x2+y2



Third Angle





Code Generation

This is the C code for the angle of the third joint as a function of the position of the end effector, and the arm lengths.


t1 = lengthArm3 + lengthTip;
t2 = t1 * lengthArm2;
t3 = x * x;
t4 = y * y;
t6 = z * z;
t8 = 0.2e1 * z * lengthArm1;
t9 = lengthArm1 * lengthArm1;
t10 = lengthArm2 * lengthArm2;
t11 = lengthArm3 * lengthArm3;
t13 = 0.2e1 * lengthArm3 * lengthTip;
t14 = lengthTip * lengthTip;
t15 = t3 + t4 + t6 - t8 + t9 + t10 - t11 - t13 - t14;
t16 = t15 * t15;
t18 = sqrt(t16 * (t3 + t4));
t25 = t1 * t1;
t29 = sqrt(-0.1e1 / t25 / t10 * (0.2e1 * t1 * lengthArm2 - t10 - t11 - t13 - t14 + t3 + t4 + t6 - t8 + t9) * (-0.2e1 * t1 * lengthArm2 - t10 - t11 - t13 - t14 + t3 + t4 + t6 - t8 + t9));
t32 = z - lengthArm1;
t38 = 0.1e1 / (t3 + t4 + t6 - t8 + t9);
t39 = 0.1e1 / lengthArm2;
t47 = atan2(t39 * t38 / t15 * (-t29 * t18 * t2 - t16 * t32), t39 * t38 * (-t29 * t32 * t2 + t18));
t49 = t47 + 0.3141592654e1 / 0.2e1;




 lengthArm1  500: lengthArm2 450: lengthArm3 350: lengthTip200:

forpfrom0toNdo   s2.0 π p/N;   pathAtTimeevalpath,t=s:  pxp,pyp,pzprhspathAtTime1,rhspathAtTime2,rhspathAtTime3;for i from 1 to 3 do      θp,ievalsubspath,Θi,t=s:   end doend do:


optscolor=ColorRGB,108/255,122/255,137/255,grid=10,2:baseCylcylinder0,0,0,radiusBase,80,opts:arm1cylinder0,0,0,radiusArm1,lengthArm1,opts:joint2translaterotatecylinder0,0,0,radiusJoint2,2 radiusJoint2,opts, π/2,0,0,0,radiusJoint2,lengthArm1:arm2cylinder0,0,0,radiusArm2,lengthArm2,opts:joint3rotatecylinder0,0,0,radiusArm2,2 radiusArm2,opts, π/2,0,0:arm3cylinder0,0,0,radiusArm3,lengthArm3,opts:tipcone0,0,0,radiusArm3,lengthTip,opts:

robotAnimprocp    local Joint2, Arm2,Joint3,Arm3,Tip:    Joint2rotatejoint2,0,0,θp,1:    Arm2rotatetranslaterotatearm2,0,θp,3,0,0,0,lengthArm1,0,0,θp,1:    Joint3rotatetranslatejoint3,lengthArm2sinθp,3,radiusArm2,lengthArm1+lengthArm2cosθp,3,0,0,θp,1:    Arm3rotatetranslaterotatearm3,0,θp,3 θp,2,0,lengthArm2sinθp,3,0,lengthArm1+lengthArm2cosθp,3,0,0,θp,1:    Tiprotatetranslaterotatetip,0,π  θp,3  θp,2,0,lengthArm2sinθp,3+lengthArm3+lengthTipsinθp,3+θp,2,0,lengthArm1+lengthArm2cosθp,3+lengthArm3+lengthTipcosθp,3+θp,2,0,0,θp,1:displaypathTrace,baseCyl,arm1,Joint2,Arm2,Joint3,Arm3,Tip,scaling=constrained,orientation=80,15,axes=none,style=patchnogridend proc:



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