Calling Sequence
matrix(m, n)
matrix(m, n, L)
matrix(m, n, f)
matrix(m, n, lv)
list of lists or vectors of elements
m, n
positive integers (row and column dimensions)
function used to create the matrix elements
list or vector of elements
The matrix function is part of the linalg package. It provides a simplified syntax for creating matrices. A general description of matrices in Maple is available under the heading matrix.
The call matrix(m, n, L) creates an m by n matrix where the first row of the matrix is defined by the list/vector L[1], the second row by L[2], and so forth. The call matrix(L) is equivalent to matrix(m, n, L) where and .
The call matrix(m, n) creates an m by n matrix with unspecified elements.
The call matrix(m, n, f) creates an m by n matrix whose elements are the result of the function f (possibly a constant) acting on the row and column index of the matrix. Thus, matrix(m, n, f) is equivalent to matrix([[f(1, 1), ..., f(1, n)], ..., [f(m, 1), ..., f(m, n)]]) .
The call matrix(m, n, lv) creates an m by n matrix whose elements are read off from lv row by row, where lv is a list or vector of elements of type algebraic.
Since matrices are represented as two-dimensional arrays, see array for further details about how to work with matrices.
The command with(linalg,matrix) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.
Note: The online documentation in Maple uses the convention that matrix (lowercase "m") refers to an array-based matrix used by routines in the linalg package, and Matrix (uppercase "M") refers to an rtable-based Matrix used by routines in the LinearAlgebra package. See LA_general for more information about linear algebra computations in Maple.
Important: The linalg package has been deprecated. Use the superseding command, LinearAlgebra[Matrix], instead.