Precalculus Study Guide
Copyright Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc., 2024
Chapter 8: Roots and Rational Powers
The algebraic notation xn, where the integer n is a power, means that n copies of the letter x are multiplied together.
Thus, x2=x⋅x is called x-squared, while x3=x⋅x⋅x is called x-cubed.
The inverse of the nth-power function is the nth-root function, written x1⁢/n.
Thus, x1⁢/2 = x is called the square-root function, while x1⁢/3 is called the cube-root function.
Unfortunately, when n is an even integer, the power function xn is not one-to-one. It is many-one, since, for example, both x=−2 and x=2 square to 4. Hence, the inverse function is not well defined, and the convention is that x means the positive square root.
Even if x is real, x1⁢/n admits n values, some of which can be complex numbers. If n=3, there is one real cube root, but two complex cube roots. Unfortunately, the principal cube root, the analog of defining x to be the positive root, is a complex number when x is negative.
Hence, even for integer n, computing nth-roots of real numbers x requires the care devoted to it in this chapter.
In addition, it turns out that computing xn/m, where both n and m are integers, requires additional care. Interpreting the mth-root as the principal root means that the root must be computed before the power. Computing the power first, then taking the root does not yield the same value as would be obtained by use of DeMoivre's laws, the rules that in effect, provide a definition of xn/m.
Because of the complications introduced by complex numbers, this chapter provides an introduction to the arithmetic of complex numbers before it faces the issue of roots and powers of both real and complex quantities.
Chapter Glossary
The following terms in Chapter 8 are linked to the Maple Math Dictionary.
absolute value
Argand diagram
Cartesian plane
complex conjugate
complex number
complex plane
cube root
DeMoivre's laws
imaginary axis
imaginary part
open interval
Pythagoras' theorem
rational number
real axis
real number
real part
square root
Typical Problems
In Problems 8.1 - 8.8, implement the indicated calculations for the complex numbers z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i.
8.1. Obtain the sum z+w.
8.2. Obtain the difference z−w.
8.3. Obtain the product z⁢w.
8.4. Obtain the quotient zw.
8.5. Write z and w in polar form.
8.6. Use DeMoivre's law to compute z5 and w7.
8.7. Compute z and w.
8.8. Compute z1⁢/3 and w1⁢/3.
8.9. If a is a rational number (the ratio of two integers), exponentiation is defined by
za=za⁢cis⁡a⁢theta = za⁢cos⁡a⁢theta+i⁢sin⁡a⁢theta
where theta is the argument of z.
For example, if z=−2+3⁢i and a=23, compute za by this definition; then compute z21⁢/3 and z1⁢/32, where the principal cube root is taken in each case, and determine which of these two agrees with the definition of za. (Both of these particular calculations can be implemented in the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor, as demonstrated below in the solution to Problem 8.9.)
8.10. Repeat Problem 9 for z=−2−3⁢i and a=32. Thus, compute za by the definition, then compute z31⁢/2and z1⁢/23, where the principal square root is taken in each case. Determine which of these two agrees with the definition of za.
8.11. Graph the following functions.
(a) f⁡x=x2+12⁢/3
(b) g⁡x=x2−13⁢/2
In particular, what is the value of g⁡0?
8.12. Which of the following two calculations is correct?
(a) −1=−12⁢/2 = −11⁢/22=i2 = −1
(b) −1=−12⁢/2 = −121⁢/2=1 = 1
Maple Initializations
Before accessing the Maple version of the solutions to the typical problems stated above, initialize Maple by pressing the button provided on the right.
In Maple, the default symbol for −1, the imaginary unit, is the letter I. In keeping with the typical textbook, our initialization sets the imaginary unit to the letter "i" throughout this chapter.
Our initialization also defines the function cisθ=cosθ=i sinθ.
Problem 8.1
8.1 - Mathematical Solution
The sum of the complex numbers z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i is obtained in the tableau at the right.
The real part of the sum is the sum of the real parts of z and w.
The imaginary part of the sum is the sum of the imaginary parts of z and w.
8.1 - Maplet Solution
The sum of the complex numbers
can be found with the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor .
Clicking this link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.1.1.
The complex numbers z and w are entered by separately giving their real and imaginary parts.
(The imaginary part of a+b⁢i is the real number b.)
Figure 8.1.1 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
To launch the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor, click the link: Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.1 - Interactive Solution
Type z=2+3 i
Context Panel: Assign Name
Type w=5−2 i
Type z+w
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
8.1 - Programmatic Solution
Enter the complex numbers z=2+3 i and w=5−2 i
z ≔ 2 + 3 i;w ≔ 5 − 2 i
Obtain the sum z+w
Complex numbers of the form z=a+b⁢i, where a and b are themselves real numbers, are said to be in rectangular form.
The real part of z is the real number a, while the imaginary part of z is the real number b.
The real part of the sum of two complex numbers in rectangular form is obtained by adding the real parts; the imaginary part, by adding the imaginary parts.
Thus, the sum of z1=a+b⁢i and z2=c+d⁢i is z1+z2=⁡a+c+b+d⁢i, obtained in Table 8.1.1. The sum of z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i is given in Table 8.1.2.
Table 8.1.1 Sum of z1 and z2
Table 8.1.2 Sum of z and w
Problem 8.2
8.2 - Mathematical Solution
The difference of the complex numbers z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i is obtained in the tableau at the right.
The real part of the difference is the difference of the real parts of z and w.
The imaginary part of the difference is the difference of the imaginary parts of z and w.
−3+5 i
8.2 - Maplet Solution
The difference of the complex numbers
Clicking this link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.2.1.
Figure 8.2.1 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.2 - Interactive Solution
Re-initialize Maple by clicking the button to the right.
Type z−w
8.2 - Programmatic Solution
Obtain the difference z−w
The real part of the difference of two complex numbers in rectangular form is obtained by subtracting the real parts; the imaginary part, by subtracting the imaginary parts.
Thus, the difference of z1=a+b⁢i and z2=c+d⁢i is z1− z2=a− c+b− d⁢i, obtained in Table 8.2.1. The difference of z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i is given in Table 8.2.2.
a− c+b− d⁢i
Table 8.2.1 Difference of z1 and z2
Table 8.2.2 Difference of z and w
Problem 8.3
8.3 - Mathematical Solution
The product of z1=a+b⁢i and z2=c+d⁢i is z1⁢z2=⁡a−c+b−d⁢i, obtained in the following tableau where the numbers are multiplied as if they were two binomials.
The product of the complex numbers z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i is obtained in the following tableau.
Since i2=−1 by definition, this product reduces to 10+6+i⁢15−4 = 16−11⁢i.
8.3 - Maplet Solution
The product of the complex numbers
Clicking this link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.3.1.
Figure 8.3.1 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.3 - Interactive Solution
Using a space for multiplication, type z w
8.3 - Programmatic Solution
Using a space for multiplication, obtain the product z w
z w
The product of two complex numbers in rectangular form is obtained by multiplying the complex numbers as two binomials.
Thus, the product of z1=a+b⁢i and z2=c+d⁢i is z1⁢z2=⁡a−c+b−d⁢i, obtained in Table 8.3.1. The product of z=2+3⁢i and w=5−2⁢i is given in Table 8.3.2.
Table 8.3.1 Product of z1 and z2
Table 8.3.2 Product of z and w
Since i2=−1 by definition, the product z w reduces to 10+6+i⁢15−4 = 16−11⁢i.
Problem 8.4
8.4 - Mathematical Solution
The quotient of two complex numbers in rectangular form is obtained by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the quotient by the complex conjugate of the denominator.
Thus, the quotient of z1=a+b⁢i and z2=c+d⁢i is
z1z2=a+b⁢ic+d⁢i c−d⁢ic−d⁢i=a+b⁢i⁢c−d⁢ic2+d2
The quotient of z and w is therefore
2+3⁢i5−2⁢i=2+3⁢i5−2⁢i 5+2⁢i5+2⁢i=4+19⁢i29 = 429+1929 i
The product of the complex number z2=c+d⁢i by its complex conjugate z&conjugate0;2=c−d⁢i is given by the tableau
Since i2=−1 by definition, this product reduces to c2+d2.
8.4 - Maplet Solution
The quotient of the complex numbers
Clicking this link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.4.1.
Figure 8.4.1 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.4 - Interactive Solution
Using the slash (/) for division, type zw
8.4 - Programmatic Solution
Obtain the quotient zw
Problem 8.5
8.5 - Mathematical Solution
The polar form of the complex number z=2+3⁢i is determined by the magnitude
ρ=22+32 = 13
and the argument
The geometry of this calculation is best seen from Figure 8.5.1, the Argand diagram for z, a plot of z as a point in the complex plane.
The horizontal axis is called the real axis, and the vertical, the imaginary axis. The complex number z=2+3⁢i is plotted as the point⁡2,3 in the real Cartesian plane, but the interpretation is as a point in the complex plane.
Figure 8.5.1 Argand diagram for z=2+3⁢i
The assignment of the number a2+b2=22+32 = 13 as the length or magnitude of the complex number z follows from the theorem of Pythagoras - it's just the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed by the real and imaginary parts of the complex number. In Figure 8.5.1, the real part corresponds to the red segment, the imaginary part, to the green, and the hypotenuse, to the black.
The polar form of the complex number w=5−2⁢i is determined by the magnitude
ρ=52+−22 = 29
θ= −arctan25
A typical range for the angle θ, measured from the positive real axis, is −π<θ≤π.
The Argand diagram for w=5−2 i is given by Figure 8.5.2.
Figure 8.5.2 Argand diagram for w=5−2⁢i
The rectangular form of the complex number whose polar form is given by ρ and θ is
Some texts abbreviate this as
where the letters "cis" stand for "cosine i sine."
The "cis" function is not native to Maple. However, it is easy to define, and the Initialize button in the Initialization section implements the definition cis≔x→cosx+i sinx
8.5 - Maplet Solution
The polar form of the complex number
Clicking this link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.5.3.
Enter the complex number by separately giving its real and imaginary part. (The imaginary part of a+b⁢i is the real number b.)
The button labeled Polar Form gives z=ρ = 13, with the argument being θ=arctan32.
Figure 8.5.3 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
can also be found with the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor .
Clicking this link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.5.4. However, it has to be entered as if its name were z.
The button labeled Polar Form gives ρ=29, with the argument being θ= −arctan25.
Figure 8.5.4 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.5 - Interactive Solution
Enter the Data
Polar Form of z
Type z and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Modulus (or Absolute Value)
Context Panel: Argument
Polar Form of w
Type w and press the Enter key.
Convert Polar Form of z to Rectangular Form
Using ρ and θ computed for z, enter ρ cisθ
Context Panel: Simplify
Convert Polar Form of w to Rectangular Form
Using ρ and θ computed for w, enter ρ cisθ
8.5 - Programmatic Solution
The polar form of the complex number z=a+b⁢i consists of the two numbers, ρ and θ, where ρ is called the magnitude (or modulus, or length, or absolute value) of z, and θ is called the argument of z. The argument of z is the angle from the positive real axis to the radial line from the origin to the complex number z. It lies in the range −π,π.
Maple can convert the rectangular form of z to the polar form. Maple's representation of the polar form of the complex number
z ≔ 2+3 i
whereas for the complex number
w ≔ 5−2 i
the polar form is
In each case, the first number is the magnitude of the complex number, a number Maple can separately calculate as
for z, and
for w.
The second number in the polar representation is the argument, which is an angle that can be separately calculated in Maple by
The Argand diagram in Figure 8.5.1 illustrates the geometry of the magnitude and argument of z=2+3⁢i, whereas the Argand diagram in Figure 8.5.2 illustrates the geometry of the magnitude and argument of w=5−2⁢i.
where the letters "cis" stand for "cosine i sine." Thus, the rectangular form of z=2+3⁢i is recovered from ρ=13 and θ=arctan3/2 by executing
simplify13 cisarctan3/2
simplify13 cosarctan3/2 + i sinarctan3/2
Similarly, the rectangular form of w=5−2⁢i can be recovered from ρ=29 and θ= −arctan25 by executing
simplify29 cis−arctan2/5
simplify29 cos−arctan2/5 + i sin−arctan2/5
Problem 8.6
8.6 - Mathematical Solution
DeMoivre's law (also spelled de Moivre, Demoivre, etc.) shows how to compute integer powers of z in terms of its polar representation. Suppose z has its polar representation given by ρ and θ. Then zn, where n is an integer (positive or negative), is given by
zn=ρn⁢cos⁡n⁢θ+i⁢sin⁡n⁢θ=ρncisn θ
The polar form of the complex number z=2+3⁢i consists of ρ=13 and θ=arctan32. To raise z to the power 5, compute
z5=⁡135⁢cos⁡5⁢arctan⁡32+i⁢sin⁡5⁢arctan⁡32 = 122−597⁢i
The simplification to final form can be done numerically with a computing device such as a calculator. Alternatively, the trig formulas
could be used in conjunction with the identities
to reduce z5 to the exact value given above.
The polar form of the complex number w=5−2⁢i consists of ρ=29 and θ= −arctan25. To raise w to the power 7, compute
w7=⁡297⁢cos⁡−7⁢arctan⁡25+i⁢sin⁡−7⁢arctan⁡25 = −116615−60422⁢i
to reduce w7 to the exact value given above.
8.6 - Maplet Solution
The Complex Arithmetic Tutor implements DeMoivre's law for the computation of z5 for the complex number
Clicking the above maplet link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.6.1.
In the section Exponentiation of complex numbers, enter n=5,m=1 and click the button labeled Float opposite the symbol Zn/m. The floating-point form of the solution
Figure 8.6.1 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
is returned.
The Complex Arithmetic Tutor implements DeMoivre's law for the computation of w7 for the complex number
However, it has to be entered as if its name were z.
Clicking the above maplet link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.6.2.
In the section Exponentiation of complex numbers, enter n=7,m=1 and click the button labeled Float opposite the symbol Zn/m.
Figure 8.6.2 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
The floating-point form of the solution, to four significant figures, is
5−2 i7= −116615+60422 i≐−0.1166 ×106−0.6042 ×105 i
To launch the Study guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor, click the following link: Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.6 - Interactive Solution
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻Az
Type |z|5cis5 Az and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Normalize Expanded
Type z5
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻Aw
Type w7cis7 Aw and press the Enter key.
Type w7
8.6 - Programmatic Solution
zn=ρn⁢cos⁡n⁢θ+i⁢sin⁡n⁢θ=ρncisn θ
Enter z=2+3 i
z≔2+3 i
Obtain polar form of z
Obtain z5 by applying DeMoivre's law.
qz≔sqrt135 cis5 arctan3/2
Expand ρ5cis5 θ
Compare to z5 computed directly in Maple.
Enter w=5−2 i
w≔5−2 i
Obtain polar form of w
Obtain w7 by applying DeMoivre's law.
Expand ρ7cis7 θ
Compare to w7 computed directly in Maple.
Problem 8.7
8.7 - Mathematical Solution
It can be shown that a consequence of DeMoivre's law for integer powers is the related law for fractional powers
For convenience, we will also refer to this law as DeMoivre's law for fractional powers.
The complex number z=2+3⁢i has polar form determined by ρ=13 and θ=arctan32. There are two values for z1⁢/2. Given by DeMoivre's law for fractional powers, they are
=1.732050808+1.732050808 i
= −12⁡4+2⁢13+i⁢2⁢13−4
= −1.732050808−1.732050808 i
The real part of z1 is obtained by using the identity
and the half-angle formula
to yield
13⁢1+2132 = 13+22=2⁢13+44 = 12 4+2⁢13
Similarly, the imaginary part of z1 is obtained by using the half-angle formula
13⁢1−2132 = 13−22=2⁢13−44 = 12 2⁢13−4
The floating-point value for z1 is obtained with a computing device such as a calculator. The calculations for z2 proceed along the same lines, except that the trig identities
cos⁡x+π=cos⁡x⁢cos⁡π−sin⁡x⁢sin⁡π = −cos⁡x
sin⁡x+π=sin⁡x⁢cos⁡π+cos⁡x⁢sin⁡π = −sin⁡x
must be used first.
The complex number w=5−2⁢i has polar form determined by ρ=29 and θ= −arctan25. There are two values for w1⁢/2. Given by DeMoivre's law for fractional powers, they are
= −12⁡2⁢29+10−i⁢2⁢29−10
=−2.27872385417085+0.438842116902252 i
The calculations for w1 and w2 proceed along the same lines as those for z1 and z2, except that they begin with use of the trig identities
8.7 - Maplet Solution
The Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor can be used for the computation of z for the complex number z=2+3⁢i.
Clicking the above maplet link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.7.1.
In the section Exponentiation of complex numbers, enter n=1,m=2 and click the button labeled Float opposite the symbol Zn/m. The floating-point form of the solution
Figure 8.7.1 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
Alternatively, setting k=2 in the section Roots of complex numbers, and clicking the button labeled Float to the right of the button labeled kth principal root yields the same result.
The Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor can be used for the computation of w for the complex number w=5−2 i.
Clicking the above maplet link will launch the tutor with the solution embedded as shown in the thumbnail image in Figure 8.7.2.
In the section Exponentiation of complex numbers, enter n=1,m=2 and click the button labeled Float opposite the symbol Zn/m. The floating-point form of the solution, to four significant figures, is 5−2⁢i=2.279−0.4388⁢i.
Figure 8.7.2 Thumbnail image of the Study Guide's Complex Arithmetic Tutor
To launch the Complex Arithmetic Tutor, click the following link: Complex Arithmetic Tutor
8.7 - Interactive Solution
Type z cisAz/2 and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Approximate≻10
Type z cisAz/2+π and press the Enter key.
Type and press the Enter key.
Type w cisAw/2 and press the Enter key.
Type w cisAw/2+π and press the Enter key.
8.7 - Programmatic Solution
Maple gives the principal square root of
zp ≔ evalcsqrtz
whose floating-point form is
To apply DeMoivre's law for fractional powers, we first single out the magnitude and argument of z with
rz ≔ absz;tz ≔ argumentz
Then, the two square roots of z are
z1 ≔ sqrtrz cistz/2;z2 ≔ sqrtrz cistz/2+Pi
Careful inspection shows that these two roots simply differ by a factor of −1, as the following conversion to floating-point form reveals.
Maple struggles to convert the trigonometric form of z1 to the radical form of zp, the principal square root. We can settle for the equivalence of the floating-point forms, or we can impose the simplifications
z1a ≔ evalcsimplifyradnormalconvertz1,