Solver Type
The simulation start time. You can specify any floating-point value, including negative values.
Note: The simulation start time affects the end time of your simulation, but not the duration time for the simulation, td. The end time for the simulation is given by td + ts.
Use Snapshot
A snapshot captures the state of your simulation at a specific time. If you use a snapshot in your simulation, you can override the initial conditions used in your model and replace them with the state your model was in at the time of the snapshot.
See Taking a Snapshot and Using a Snapshot in a Simulation for more information on creating and using snapshots.
Choose between a symbolic or numeric approximation to the system Jacobian. A symbolic formulation results in faster and more accurate simulations but can take longer to formulate.
Note: A numeric formulation can only be used with stiff solvers (Rosenbrock or Implicit Euler).
Apply Baumgarte constraint stabilization to your model. When selected, you can enter values for the derivative gain (α) and the proportional gain (β) that are appropriate for your model.
Apply constraint projection to your model. When selected, the solution found at each step of the simulation is projected back to the constraint manifold. The projection ends when either the maximum number of Projection Iterations has been reached or the defect falls below the Projection Tolerance.
Projection Iterations
The maximum number of constraint projection iterations.
Note: This parameter is only available when Projection is selected.
Projection Tolerance
The tolerance value at which the projection iterations are terminated. You can specify any positive floating-point value.
Event Projection
When selected, constraint projection occurs during event iterations, which results in slower integration. When cleared, the simulation could fail if the event changes the solution enough to not allow the application of constraint projection at the next step.
Event Iterations
The maximum number of event iterations allowed before the integrator throws an error. You can specify any positive integer value.
Event Hysteresis
1. x 10-7
The width of the event hysteresis band. You can specify a floating-point value greater than or equal to zero. If set to zero, this parameter is disabled.
Initial Hysteresis
1. x 10-10
The width of the event hysteresis for all event triggers at the start of the simulation. You can specify a floating-point value greater than or equal to zero.
Note: Used by variable step solvers.
Index 1 Error Control
When selected, error control is applied to all algebraic variables. By default, error control is only applied to algebraic variables that trigger events, are plotted, or are outputs of functions.
Index 1 Tolerance
Controls the relative error on algebraic variables compared to differential variables. For example, a value of 10 means that algebraic variables can have 10 times the error of differential variables.
Minimum Step Size
Set the minimum step size. This option should be used with caution, as if the solver is unable to achieve the requested error tolerance with this minimum then it will take the step anyway.
Maximum Step Size
0 / no limit
Set the maximum step size. (0 indicates no limit)
Specifies the method of variable scaling to apply to the system. The available choices are:
None: do not apply scaling
Minimum: use the minimum nominal value
Maximum: use the maximum nominal value
Geometric: use the geometric mean of the nominal values
Minimize Events
This option specifies whether to use heuristics to reduce the number of events encountered during your simulation. When selected, the mapping of piecewise transitions into events does not occur.
Plot Events
Specifies whether to include extra plot points at event points during the simulation.
Solver Diagnostics
When selected, the simulation generates diagnostics describing constraint iterations, constraint residual, event iterations, and step size, and plots them after the simulation is complete in a Solver Diagnostics plot window in the Simulation Results tab. For systems with the projection option cleared, this incurs additional computational cost.
For models with an inconsistent system of equations or run-time issues, select this option to display details about the variables, equations, and components that are causing the errors (see Using Solver Diagnostics for Inconsistent Systems and Using Solver Diagnostics for Run-time Issues and Performance).
Specifies whether a native C compiler is used during the simulation. When this option is selected, Maple procedures generated by the simulation engine are translated to C code, which is compiled by an external C compiler.
If your model is complex, you may want to select this option to reduce the time required to run a simulation.
Compile Optimized
Optimize the code during compilation. If this parameter is cleared, compile time will be reduced but your simulation will take longer to run.