DifferentialGeometry/Tensor/DGGramSchmidt - Maple Help
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Tensor[DGGramSchmidt] - calculate an orthonormal basis with respect to a metric

Calling Sequences

     DGGramSchmidt(S, g, method, signature)


   S         - a list of differential forms, vectors or tensors

   g         - a metric tensor

   method    - (optional) keyword argument method = "normalized" or method = "un-normalized" 

   signature - (optional) keyword argument signature = pm, where pm is a list of +1 or -1





See Also



The command DGGramSchmidt applies the usual Gram-Schmidt procedure to a list , of  independent vectors, forms or tensors (the forms or tensors must all be of the same type). The procedure returns a list orthogonal vectors, forms or tensors such that

 for .


The inner products of differential forms and tensors are calculated using TensorInnerProduct.


The default assumption is that the metric  is positive-definite, that is, the signature is . In this case the length of each  is normalized to 1.  With method = "un-normalized" the  are left un-normalized.


If, for example, the signature of  is , use the keyword signature = [+1, -1, -1, -1]. The length of  is normalized to 1 and the lengths of  are normalized to .


If, for example, the signature of  is  and the vectors  are both null, then the usual Gram-Schmidt procedure will fail. In this case set signature = [[1,-1], 1, 1] and DGGramSchmidt will take  to be a vector of non-zero length in the span of


This command is part of the DifferentialGeometry:-Tensor package, and so can be used in the form DGGramSchmidt(...) only after executing the command with(DifferentialGeometry); with(Tensor); in that order. It can always be used in the long form DifferentialGeometry:-Tensor:-DGGramSchmidt.



Example 1.

First define a 4 dimensional manifold  with coordinates .




Define a metric  on .

M > 



Define a list of vectors S1.

M > 

M > 



We use the command TensorInnerProduct. to check this result.

M > 


We repeat the same computation with method = "un-normalized". The result is free of square roots but now the vectors are not unit vectors.

M > 

M > 


Example 2.

We continue with the metric from Example 1 but now apply the Gram-Schmidt procedure to a list of 2-forms.


M > 

M > 

M > 


Example 3.

Consider now an indefinite metric.

M > 

M > 



A direct application of the GramSchmidt process yields complex-valued forms.

M > 



We can adjust the normalization of the last two 1-forms to have length -1 to obtain a real basis:

M > 



Example 4.

Consider another indefinite metric.

M > 

M > 



A direct application of the GramSchmidt process fails since the first two vectors are null vectors. We can work around this problem by changing the initial basis.

M > 

M > 



Alternatively, we can adjust the signature option.

M > 


See Also

DifferentialGeometry, Tensor, TensorInnerProduct

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