find the parametric derivatives of a LAVF object
Calling Sequence
ParametricDerivatives( obj)
ParametricDerivatives( obj, order= m .. n)
ParametricDerivatives( obj, order= m)
a LAVF object
m, n
non-negative integers
The ParametricDerivatives method finds the parametric derivatives of a LAVF object. The parametric derivatives are returned as a list of functions.
The method is front-end to the corresponding method of a LHPDE object. That is, let L be a LAVF object and S be its determining system as a LHPDE object (i.e. S = GetDeterminingSystem(L)), then the call ParametricDerivatives(L) is equivalent to ParametricDerivatives(S). All remaining input arguments will be passed down to its determining system S level. See the method ParametricDerivatives of a LHPDE object for more detail.
This method is associated with the LAVF object. For more detail, see Overview of the LAVF object.
First, construct an indeterminate vector field and a determining system, then construct an LAVF object from them...
Now we can find the parametric derivatives of L...
The ParametricDerivatives command was introduced in Maple 2020.
For more information on Maple 2020 changes, see Updates in Maple 2020.
See Also
LAVF (Object overview)
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