format = BMP, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF
Specifies the image format. It must be one of the values in ImageTools[Formats]. If not specified, the Read command guesses the format from the extension of file.
Specifies a data structure into which the output is written; imgo must be of type Image. The size must match that of the input. If imgo is one layer, then the image is converted to a grayscale, as needed. If imgo has four layers and the image file does not, then the fourth layer is set to all zeros. The default is NULL.
Specifies if the created Image should use one 8-byte floating point value (the default) or one 1-byte integer value per channel per pixel. The former result in less degredation when manipulating the image (scaling, convolution, gamma adjustment, and so on), but requires 8 times the memory of the latter.