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numerically approximate the solution to a first order initial-value problem with the fourth-order Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Method


Calling Sequence






Calling Sequence

AdamsBashforthMoulton(ODE, IC, t=b, opts)

AdamsBashforthMoulton(ODE, IC, b, opts)




equation; first order ordinary differential equation of the form ⅆⅆtyt=ft,y



equation; initial condition of the form y(a)=c, where a is the left endpoint of the initial-value problem



name; the independent variable



algebraic; the point for which to solve; the right endpoint of this initial-value problem



(optional) equations of the form keyword=value, where keyword is one of numsteps, output, comparewith, digits, plotoptions, or submethod; options for numerically solving the initial-value problem



comparewith = [list]


A list of method-submethod pairs; the method specified in the method option will be compared graphically with these methods. This option may only be used if output is set to either plot or information.


It must be of the form


comparewith = [[method_1, submethod_1], [method_2, submethod_2]]


If either method lacks applicable submethods, the corresponding submethod_n entry should be omitted.


Lists of all supported methods and their submethods are found in the InitialValueProblem help page, under the descriptions for the method and submethod options, respectively.


digits = posint


The number of digits to which the returned values will be rounded (using evalf). The default value is 4.


numsteps = posint


The number of steps used for the chosen numerical method. This option determines the static step size for each iteration in the algorithm. The default value is 5.


Controls what information is returned by this procedure. The default value is solution:


output = solution returns the computed value of yt at t = b;


output = Error returns the absolute error of yt at t = b;


output = plot returns a plot of the approximate (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton) solution and the solution from one of Maple's best numeric DE solvers; and


output = information returns an array of the values of t, Maple's numeric solution, the approximations of yt as computed using this method and the absolute error between these at each iteration.


plotoptions = list


The plot options. This option is used only when output = plot is specified.


submethod = step2, step3, step4, or step5


The order of the pair of predictor-corrector formulae used to solve this initial-value problem.


step2 = Second-Order Predictor-Corrector


step3 = Third-Order Predictor-Corrector


step4 = Fourth-Order Predictor-Corrector


step5 = Fifth-Order Predictor-Corrector


By default the Fourth-Order Predictor-Corrector is used.



Given an initial-value problem consisting of an ordinary differential equation ODE, a range a <= t <= b, and an initial condition y(a) = c, the AdamsBashforthMoulton command computes an approximate value of y(b) using one of the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton family of predictor-corrector methods.


If the second calling sequence is used, the independent variable t will be inferred from ODE.


The endpoints a and b must be expressions that can be evaluated to floating-point numbers. The initial condition IC must be of the form y(a)=c, where c can be evaluated to a floating-point number.


The AdamsBashforthMoulton command is a shortcut for calling the InitialValueProblem command with the method = adamsbashforthmoulton option.



The default predictor formula used (when no submethod option is specified) is the fourth-order Adams-Bashforth difference equation



and the default corrector equation used is the fourth-order Adams-Moulton difference equation



To approximate the solution to an initial-value problem using a method other than the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Method, see InitialValueProblem.







See Also





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