GegenbauerC - Gegenbauer (ultraspherical) function
Calling Sequence
GegenbauerC(n, a, x)
algebraic expression
algebraic expression
algebraic expression
The GegenbauerC(n, a, x) function computes the nth Gegenbauer polynomial - see Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Chap. 22.
When all of are not a negative integer or zero, the Gegenbauer polynomials satisfy:
GegenbauerC(n,a,z) = 'piecewise'(n::negint,0, n=0, 1,convert(GegenbauerC(n,a,z),hypergeom));
| (1) |
and are orthogonal on the interval with respect to the weight function :
Int(w(z)* GegenbauerC(m, a, z) * GegenbauerC(n, a, z), z=-1..1) = 'piecewise'(n=m, Pi*2^(1-2*a)*GAMMA(n+2*a)/(n!*(n+a)*GAMMA(a)^2),0);
| (2) |
When any of is a negative integer or zero, the Gegenbauer polynomials are computed using the following identity:
GegenbauerC(n,a,z) = (2*a*z*(1+2*a)*GegenbauerC(n-1,1+a,z) + 4*(-1+z^2)*a*(1+a)*GegenbauerC(n-2,a+2,z)) / ((n+2*a)*n);

| (3) |
which in turn can be derived from the differential equation with respect to z satisfied by this function:
f(z) = GegenbauerC(a,b,z);
| (4) |
diff(f(z),z,z) = (-1-2*b)*z/(-1+z^2)*diff(f(z),z)+a*(2*b+a)/(-1+z^2)*f(z);
| (5) |
For n::posint and n > 1 and a <> 0, the Gegenbauer polynomials satisfy the following recurrence relations:
GegenbauerC(0,a,z) = 1:
GegenbauerC(1,a,z) = 2*a*z:
GegenbauerC(n,a,z) = 2*(n+a-1)/n*z*GegenbauerC(n-1,a,z) - (n+2*a-2)/n*GegenbauerC(n-2,a,z):
and for a = 0, they are related to the ChebyshevT polynomials:
GegenbauerC(n,0,z) = 2/n*ChebyshevT(n,z):
Special values with respect to n:
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
Special values with respect to a:
| (9) |
| (10) |
| (11) |
Special values with respect to z:
| (12) |
| (13) |
| (14) |