Calling Sequence
IsHamiltonian(G, C)
unweighted graph
(optional) name
A graph G on n vertices is Hamiltonian if there exists a cycle in G containing each of the n vertices once.
The IsHamiltonian(G) function returns true if the graph is Hamiltonian and false otherwise. If G is Hamiltonian and a name C is specified as a second argument, then C is assigned a list of vertices of a Hamiltonian cycle of the graph starting and ending with the first vertex in G. For example, if the graph G is the triangle graph created with Graph({{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}}), the cycle is output as .
The algorithm works for directed graphs and it ignores the edge weights of weighted graphs.
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IsHamiltonian: "graph satisfies MinimumDegree(G) >= NumberOfVertices(G)/2 ==> it is hamiltonian"
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| (12) |
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IsHamiltonian: "graph satisfies IndependenceNumber(G) > NumberOfVertices(G)/2 ==> it's not hamiltonian"
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| (14) |
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