RTableSetAttribute - assign to the attribute RTableSettings field in external code
RTableAppendAttribute - append to the attribute RTableSettings field in external code
RTableSetIndFn - assign to the index_functions RTableSettings field in external code
RTableAppendIndFn - append to the index_functions RTableSettings field in external code
RTableSetType - assign to the data_type and maple_type RTableSettings field in external code
Calling Sequence
RTableSetAttribute(kv, rts, name)
RTableAppendAttribute(kv, rts, name)
RTableSetIndFn(kv, rts, indfn)
RTableAppendIndFn(kv, rts, indfn)
RTableSetType(kv, rts, id, name)
kernel handle returned by StartMaple
RTableSettings structure
name of an attribute or type
Maple indexing function object
data_type identifier
These functions are part of the OpenMaple interface to Microsoft Visual Basic.
These functions update an RTableSettings structure. They are provided for convenience. The RTableSettings structure can be modified directly. Some extra argument checking is done.
RTableSetAttribute(kv,rts,name) is equivalent to
rts.attributes = (kv,1)
MapleExpseqAssign kv,1,(kv,name,TRUE)
Attributes can be retrieved using the attributes command in Maple.
RTableAppendAttribute(kv,rts,name) is equivalent to the following.
dim attrib, i, n as long
n = MapleNumArgs(kv,rts.attributes)
attrib = NewMapleExpressionSequence(kv,n+1)
For i=1 to n
MapleExpseqAssign kv, attrib, i, MapleExpseqSelect(kv,attrib,i)
Next i
MapleExpseqAssign kv, attrib, i, MapleToName(kv,name,True)
rts.attributes = attrib
RTableSetIndFn and RTableAppendIndFn are the same as RTableSetAttribute and RTableAppendAttribute except they modify rts.index_functions instead of rts.attributes to set the indexing function property.
RTableSetType sets the data_type and maple_type fields of the RTableSettings structure. This command is equivalent to the following code.
rts.data_type = id
If id = RTABLE_DAG then
rts.maple_type = ToMapleName(kv,name,True)
Public Sub TestSetAttribute(ByVal kv As Long)
Dim rt As Long
Dim rts As RTableSettings
' input (rtable and rows to swap)
rt = EvalMapleStatement(kv, "rtable(1..6,1..6,(i,j)->i);")
' set new properties
RTableGetSettings kv, rts, rt
rts.p1 = 2 'band parameters
rts.p2 = 2
RTableAppendIndFn kv, rts, RTABLE_INDEX_BAND
RTableSetType kv, rts, RTABLE_DAG, "integer"
RTableSetAttribute kv, rts, "red"
RTableAppendAttribute kv, rts, "square"
' make a copy with the new properties
rt = RTableCopy(kv, rts, rt)
MapleALGEB_Printf1 kv, "new rtable = %a", rt
End Sub