Error, (in assume) cannot assume on a constant object
Error, (in assume) cannot assume on an assigned name
The assume command sets variable properties and relationships between variables. A common use of the assume command is assume(a>0). This states that the symbol is assumed to be a positive real constant. Having made such an assumption, Maple routines are able to use this information to simplify expressions, for example, to , and evaluate inequalities, for example, is(a+1>0) returns true.
The cannot assume on a constant object error occurs when the expression on which to place the assumption does not contain a name on which to base the assumption, for example, a variable that has been assigned a constant value.

| (2.1) |
The variable is replaced by the value assigned to that variable.
Solution: Use unevaluation quotes to prevent the variable from being replaced by its value.
Note that this removes the previously assigned value.
| (2.2) |
Similarly, an assigned name could be a Maple name, which is protected.
Solution: Use a different name.
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