Lienard ODEs
The general form of the Lienard ODE is given by the following:
Lienard_ode := diff(y(x),x,x)+f(x)*diff(y(x),x)+y(x)=0;
| (1) |
where f(x) is an arbitrary function of x. See Villari, "Periodic Solutions of Lienard's Equation".
All linear second order homogeneous ODEs can be transformed into first order ODEs of Riccati type. That can be done by giving the symmetry [0,y] to dsolve (all linear homogeneous ODEs have this symmetry) or just calling convert (see convert,ODEs).
| (2) |
Reduction to Riccati by giving the symmetry to dsolve
![ans := y(x) = `&where`(exp(Int(_b(_a), _a)+_C1), [{diff(_b(_a), _a) = -_b(_a)^2-f(_a)*_b(_a)-1}, {_a = x, _b(_a) = (diff(y(x), x))/y(x)}, {x = _a, y(x) = exp(Int(_b(_a), _a)+_C1)}])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7243/file04358/math55.png)
| (3) |
The reduced ODE above is of Riccati type
| (4) |
| (5) |
Converting this ODE into a first order ODE of Riccati type

| (6) |
In the answer returned by convert, there are the Riccati ODE and the transformation of the variable used. Changes of variables in ODEs can be performed using ?PDEtools[dchange]. For example, using the transformation of variables above, we can recover the result returned by convert.
| (7) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
See Also
DEtools, odeadvisor, dsolve, and ?odeadvisor,<TYPE> where <TYPE> is one of: quadrature, missing, reducible, linear_ODEs, exact_linear, exact_nonlinear, sym_Fx, linear_sym, Bessel, Painleve, Halm, Gegenbauer, Duffing, ellipsoidal, elliptic, erf, Emden, Jacobi, Hermite, Lagerstrom, Laguerre, Liouville, Lienard, Van_der_Pol, Titchmarsh; for other differential orders see odeadvisor,types.