ContextMenu[CurrentContext][HandleExpression] - determine the context menu that results in the context menu module from a right-click
Calling Sequence
HandleExpression(expr, isfullexpr)
list; contains the expression to handle for which context menu is determined
truefalse; determines whether expr is considered to be a full expression (true) or a subselection (false)
The HandleExpression command returns a nested data structure, which encapsulates the context menu structure displayed by this context menu module when the expression expr is right-clicked. The expr parameter can be any Maple object, including an expression sequence.
The HandleExpression command returns output in a specialized form used by Maple for generating its context-sensitive menus. A simplified version of this output, more suitable for use in testing, is available from the command ContextMenu[Test][GetGeneratedMenu].
The command ContextMenu[CurrentContext][HandleExpression]([expr], isfullexpr) is equivalent to ContextMenu([expr], isfullexpr).
Examples of CurrentContext[HandleExpression]
| (1) |
Note the generated context-sensitive menu for newCM is empty because no entries have been added yet.
newCM:-HandleExpression(["test"], true);
| (2) |
Following is the result of the built-in context menu module upon on the selected object false.
CurrentContext:-HandleExpression([false], true);

| (3) |
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