type/rtable - check for an object of type rtable
Calling Sequence
type(expr, rtable)
type(expr, 'rtable'(R))
any expression
rtable indexing function, rtable option, the name 'square', or an expression sequence of these
The type(expr, rtable) function returns true if expr is any one of the following types of Maple rtables.
The type(expr, 'rtable'(R)) function returns true if expr is a Maple rtable with the indexing functions or options given in R.
If R includes the name 'square', the dimensions of the rtable are checked to see if they are all the same size (they do not have to have the same start and end values in the case of an Array).
Note: It is essential to quote the word rtable in this form of the calling sequence in order to avoid confusion with the rtable(..) constructor function.
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