Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Why Mathcad Users are Moving to Maple

Length: 25 Minutes
Presenter: Samir Khan
Product: Maple

This webinar will examine why Maple has recently pulled five engineers away from Mathcad.

Maple for Electrical Engineers

Length: 28 Minutes
Presenter: Samir Khan
Product: Maple

Electrical engineers are a unique breed. Their work is mathematically demanding, and they constantly face challenging technical problems. Maplesoft understands these challenges, and has built features into Maple that specifically address them. In this webinar, we will describe several typical app...

What's New in MapleSim 2019?

Length: 19 Minutes
Presenter: Graham Jackson
Product: MapleSim

The MapleSim 2019 family of products helps you get the answers you need from your models, with improved performance, increased modeling scope, and more ways to connect to your existing toolchain. In this webinar, see what's new in MapleSim 2019, including highlights and demonstrations of our latest ...

High Fidelity Electrical Drive Modeling with the MapleSim Connector for JMAG®-RT

Length: 47 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim,Toolbox

Motor drive complexity is increasing in tandem with the increasing performance expected of electric vehicles and other electro-mechanical systems. The implementation of  Model Based Design (MBD) very early in the design process has been proven to accelerate the design of complex systems and sig...

Curso básico do MapleSim 6 – Parte II

Length: 63 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Nesta segunda aula iremos explorar os componentes pré-construídos elétricos, mecânicos, hidráulicos, fontes de alimentação, blocos de sinais, entre outros embutidos no MaplSim 6, com a descrição detalhada de cada componente, figuras mo...

Modellierung in MapleSim: Elektrische Systeme als Teil komplexer Modelle

Length: 31 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Die zunehmende Komplexität technischer Systeme macht es erforderlich, dass Ingenieure Lösungen für Aufgaben erarbeiten müssen, die sich nicht nur auf ein spezielles Fachgebiet beschränken. Elektroingenieure beispielsweise müssen unter Umständen auch Probleme lö...

Développement rapide de modèles haute fidélité très efficaces de systèmes électriques et électroniques

Length: 47 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Les ingénieurs en électronique font face à des problèmes de complexité croissante, difficiles à résoudre avec les outils existants. De nouvelles solutions sont développées, utilisant des modèles sophistiqués qui permettent ...

Aplicações e Potencialidades do MapleSim na Engenharia Automotiva I

Length: 44 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Visa apresentar suas principais aplicações e potencialidades na modelagem e simulação de projetos nas áreas da engenharia automotiva, como motores, transmissão, suspensão, sistemas elétricos, entre outros.

Rapid Development of High Fidelity, High Efficiency Models of Electrical and Electronic Systems

Length: 55 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Electrical engineers are faced with increasingly complex problems that existing toolchains struggle to solve. Solutions are developed using sophisticated models that allow for simulation and optimization of electrical systems. Using MapleSim, engineers can seamlessly integrate electrical and electro...

Drawing Parallels between Different Engineering Disciplines with MapleSim

Length: 25 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

The physical world is goverened by universal concepts, and many systems can be modeled simply with a basic undestanding of these key principles. Students, however, often only follow a narrow engineering curriculum, and may not appreciate how their skills can be applied to other fields. The growing e...