A Recursive Algorithm to Generate a Superpermutation of length n! + (n-1)! + (n-2)! + (n-3)! + n-3 - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications A Recursive Algorithm to Generate a Superpermutation of length n! + (n-1)! + (n-2)! + (n-3)! + n-3

A Recursive Algorithm to Generate a Superpermutation of length n! + (n-1)! + (n-2)! + (n-3)! + n-3

: Dr. Giuseppe Guarino
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In combinatorial mathematics, a superpermutation on n symbols is a string that contains each permutation of n symbols as a substring. This note introduces a recursive method to generate Superpermutations. Fragments of superpermutations are used to generate a recursive algorithm. They are called chains of permutations. Starting from a chain of permutations and proceeding with nesting operations using the recursive method, it will be possible to create a superpermutation of length n! + (n-1)! + (n-2)! + (n-3)! + n-3

Application Details

Publish Date: November 14, 2023
Created In: Maple 17
Language: English

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