Automatic Optimization of Controller - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Automatic Optimization of Controller

Automatic Optimization of Controller

: Maplesoft AuthorSamir Khan
Engineering software solutions from Maplesoft
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A cold oil stream is heated in a stirred tank. The dynamic change in temperature in the tank is modelled by an ordinary differential equation, derived via a heat balance The temperature of the liquid in the tank is driven to a set point via a PI controller, which alters the heat added to the system. The optimium controller gains are found by minimising an objective function that describes how far the actual temperature profile is from a user-defined profile. Additionally, overshoot is attenuated via a penalty multiplier to the objective function. This application highlights two Maple computational features - Numeric solution of differential equations - Non-linear optimisation

Application Details

Publish Date: June 16, 2006
Created In: Maple 10
Language: English

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