Matrix Algebra: Complete Set of Lessons - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Matrix Algebra: Complete Set of Lessons

Matrix Algebra: Complete Set of Lessons

: Dr. Wlodzislaw Kostecki
Engineering software solutions from Maplesoft
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This package of Maple classroom modules by Dr. Wlodzislaw Kostecki is designed to enliven the teaching of matrix algebra at the university level. In 30 self-contained units, the course covers most of the topics taught at the undergraduate level that concern operations on matrices with symbolic and numerical elements. It also includes several topics that are beyond the scope of a typical syllabus and are addressed to more advanced users of matrices. Being an electrical engineer, the author has included problems related to Electrical Engineering in some units. Although the course provides the necessary definitions and properties of matrices, its primary objective is to show users how they may liberate themselves from tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone manual matrix computations by employing Maple software. Supplementing your lectures with these interactive worksheets will open portals to mathematical learning and insight that are simply not possible with chalk alone. They empower the student to experience the beauty of linear algebra with less of the drudgery and fear that accompany pure paper and pencil approaches.

Application Details

Publish Date: November 21, 2000
Created In: Maple 6
Language: English



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