- Understand the different ways mathematical knowledge is used throughout your organization so you can manage workflow efficiently
- Learn how you can maintain a strong connection between engineering knowledge and final application, making the process easier to validate and the code easier to update
- Discover how picking the right tool can efficiently fulfill the different needs of the analyst, developer, and end-user

We at Maplesoft have learned a lot in our 25 years of operation as a developer of technical problem-solving tools. During that time, we have seen such tools dramatically change the way technical organizations advance their knowledge and turn that knowledge into commercially-profitable innovations. It is arguable that many products and technologies that weren’t even thought of 25 years ago, which today are taken for granted, would not have seen the light of day without tools like Maple.
As part of a study to understand just what effect Maple has had over the last 25 years, we surveyed our client base about their use of Maple. Our customers include a wide range of organizations, such as engineering companies, scientific research laboratories, developers of space and defense systems, manufacturers of electronic devices, financial institutions – all organizations that require mathematics to solve problems critical to their business. While the variety of applications was staggering, and ranged in complexity from relatively simple to highly advanced, one major observation emerged clearly from the data. We were able to characterize the way in which mathematics is being utilized – who is using it, what for, and how – within any technical organization.
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Du concept au déploiement :
Préserver les connaissances, gérer l'innovation, accélérer le développement des solutions
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Vom Konzept zur Umsetzung: Wissen bewahren, Innovation steuern, Entwicklung von Lösungen beschleunigen