MapleSim 2024.1.1 is an update that is available to all MapleSim 2024 users. This update includes improvements in a variety of areas, including FMU import and export, co-simulation, the Parameter Sweep App, and plotting unprobed variables. It also includes improvements to the MapleSim Web Handling Library and the Maple FMI Connector add-ons.
From the Tools menu in MapleSim 2024, select Check for Updates, and follow the instructions. The update software will automatically download the update for MapleSim, Maple, and applicable add-ons.
If that option is dimmed, then Check for Updates is not enabled. Instead, you can download the updates by clicking on the links below.
First install the update to MapleSim. The update installer will apply the necessary changes to both MapleSim and Maple. If you have the MapleSim Web Handling Library, install that update once the first one is complete.
Maple FMI Connector
MapleSim Web Handling Library
If you have any questions or experience difficulties with this update, please contact Maplesoft Customer Service.