Chapter 1: Limits
Section 1.1: Naive Limits
Example 1.1.7
Evaluate .
Control-drag (or type) Context Panel: Assign Function
Figure 1.1.7 shows the oscillatory behavior of . As nears zero, becomes larger and larger. Hence, all the oscillations of for larger and larger values of are compressed into the region near . Consequently, assumes all the values of repeatedly, and the limit will fail to exist because of "infinite oscillation."
Figure 1.1.7 Graph of
Expression palette: Limit template Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Maple indicates that the limit fails to exist by returning a range from -1 to 1. This indicates that the function takes on all values between -1 and 1, and takes them on infinitely often. A typical calculus text would not use this notation, but would simply say that the limit fails to exist because of infinite oscillation.
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