Student[LinearAlgebra][EigenvectorsTutor] - interactive and step-by-step matrix eigenvectors
Calling Sequence
EigenvectorsTutor(M, opts)
square Matrix
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where equation is output or displaystyle
The EigenvectorsTutor(M) command by default opens a Maplet window which allows you to work interactively through solving for the eigenvectors of M. Options provide other ways to show the step-by-step solutions, as described below.
The EigenvectorsTutor(M) command presents the techniques used in finding the eigenvectors of the square matrix by:
Finding the eigenvalues
Solving the equation for each eigenvalue
The Matrix M must be square and of dimension 4 at most.
Floating-point numbers in M are converted to rationals before computation begins.
If the symbolic expression representing an eigenvalue grows too large, then the value displayed in the Maplet application window is a floating-point approximation to it (obtained by applying evalf). The underlying computations continue to be performed using exact arithmetic, however.
The EigenvectorsTutor(M) command returns the eigenvectors as a set of column Vectors.
The following options can be used to control how the problem is displayed and what output is returned, giving the ability to generate step-by-step solutions directly without going through the Maplet tutor interface:
output = steps,canvas,script,record,list,print,printf,typeset,link (default: maplet)
The output options are described in Student:-Basics:-OutputStepsRecord. Use output = steps to get the default settings for displaying step-by-step solution output.
displaystyle= columns,compact,linear,brief (default: linear)
The displaystyle options are described in Student:-Basics:-OutputStepsRecord.
See Also
Student[LinearAlgebra], Student[LinearAlgebra][Determinant], Student[LinearAlgebra][Eigenvalues], Student[LinearAlgebra][EigenvaluesTutor], Student[LinearAlgebra][Eigenvectors], Student[LinearAlgebra][LinearSolve], Student[LinearAlgebra][LinearSolveTutor]
The Student[LinearAlgebra][EigenvectorsTutor] command was updated in Maple 2021.
The output and displaystyle options were introduced in Maple 2021.
For more information on Maple 2021 changes, see Updates in Maple 2021.
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