Type the equation
Context Panel: Assign Function
Figure 1.2.6(a) is an animation in which is graphed in blue, and , in black.
The slider in the animation toolbar controls the value of . As the slider is moved past the first frame, red and green horizontal lines delineate an -band around and red and green vertical lines delineate a corresponding -band around .
Figure 1.2.6(a) Animation illustrating Definition 1.2.1
The red and green horizontal lines are drawn at , respectively, and the red and green vertical lines are drawn at the corresponding -coordinates . (Because reduces to the linear for , once again ).
Write the equation
Press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify
Context Panel: Solve≻Isolate Expression for≻
Write the equation
Press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify
Context Panel: Solve≻Isolate Expression for≻
Consequently, . To complete the proof, show that ⇒ . This is done by showing that , where .
= =
The first and second equalities follow from straight-forward algebra; the next, from the recognition that the absolute value of a product is the product of the absolute values. The next equality follows because is positive, and the final inequality follows because .