Signal Generation
This application demonstrates how to efficiently generate signals.
Using the embedded GUI components you can generate a signal composed of a fundamental frequency and the first four harmonics. You can also investigate different ways to invoke the signal generation function and compare the execution time. The procedure can be invoked either through the function or by compiling the function and invoking the compiled version.
In the following interface, use the sliders to enter the fundamental frequency and the amplitudes of the first four harmonics, then click the Generate Waveform button to create the audio file and update the plots.
Press the PlayWaveform button to listen to the generated audio file.
To view the procedure used to generate the signal, Expand Code Edit Region, below (Right-click > Expand Code Edit Region)
Signal Generation
By selecting the evalhf, and compiled Maple proc radio buttons, you can change the way the signal generation procedure is invoked.
The first invokes the procedure through the evalhf() command.
The second case further speeds up the execution by compiling the procedure and executing the compiled version.
Fundamental Frequency
Calculation Method:
Frequency Response
Time Plot
Generation time: