Student[Calculus1][Show] - show the current state of a problem or problems
Calling Sequence
(optional) algebraic, algebraic equation, or all; specify the problem(s)
The Show command displays the current state of a single problem or all problems from the current Maple session. The display is accomplished using calls to print; the value returned by Show is NULL. Thus, the history variables, %, %%, and %%%, are not modified by this command.
If called with no arguments, the problem designated the current problem is displayed. To designate a problem the current problem, create a new problem (see Rule or Hint) or use the GetProblem command.
If expr is a positive integer, the corresponding problem is displayed.
If expr is a subproblem label (see ShowIncomplete), the current state of the corresponding subproblem is displayed. This subproblem need not be a subproblem of the current problem.
Note: Treat subproblem labels as temporary objects because the application of a rule to a problem can change the underlying problem representation, and hence the subproblem labels. It is recommended that you call ShowIncomplete to verify the value of a label before passing it to Show.
If expr is the keyword all, the current states of all problems from the current session are displayed. Note: Problems that have been cleared by a call to Clear are not displayed.
If expr is the output from a previous call to Rule or GetProblem (with the internal option), or the left-hand side of such output, the current state of that problem is displayed.
This command does not change which problem is designated the current problem.
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Problem #1 has been cleared
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