Arranging Palettes in Your Worksheet
By default, Maple palettes are displayed in the left side bar of the Maple window. You can also display palettes in the right side bar.
You can arrange palettes by using the View>Palettes menu or by right-clicking the palette side bar and using the context-sensitive menus.
To display, collapse, or remove palettes:
Right-click on a palette side bar.
Click Show Palette. A list of potential palettes is displayed, with currently displayed palettes dimmed.
Alternately, select Collapse All Palettes or Remove Palette if necessary.
Positioning Palettes in the Worksheet
You can position palettes on the left and right of the worksheet area.
To position palettes in your worksheet:
Right-click on the palette side bar. The context-sensitive menu is displayed.
Select Arrange Palettes. The Arrange Palettes dialog opens.
From the list of palettes, drag and drop a palette name into the left or right dock area, and click OK. Any custom palettes are listed under the heading Tasks.